Example sentences of "[prep] [art] number [prep] [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 The symptom index was calculated as the number of times the symptom occurred when the pH was below four , divided by the total number of times the symptom was reported ; this quotient was then multiplied by 100 to give the percentage of symptoms associated with reflux .
2 After a number of days the conference was able to reach an agreement which was set out in a communique dated 21 July 1991 .
3 The danger of harming an interest to help an individual friend demanded the greatest caution in placing ministers in rural parishes , and after a number of mistakes the Duke of Montrose became very reluctant to present any candidate without a careful sounding of opinion together with an evaluation of the merits of the candidate himself .
4 The results ( e.g. Figure 3.9 ) can be plotted in a graph of the rate of correct choices against the number of times the rat has been made to run through the maze ( where a ‘ correct ’ choice is one in the direction in which it will be rewarded , or in the opposite direction from which it will be shocked ) .
5 You 're summoned for a number of offences the first of which is that on the twenty first of June nineteen eighty eight you , on the public road namely Acrington Road Worley , used a mechanically propelled vehicle when there was no excise licence in force .
6 Nevertheless , for a number of writers the essential point is not so much that these ideas on unemployment and social welfare were new , as that a broad political consensus developed around them which achieved its apotheosis in the triumph of Keynesianism in 1947 [ Booth , 1983 ; 1984 ] .
7 We have already mentioned Equity , and for a number of reasons the entire question of how to enter the actors ' union needs discussion at this point .
8 For a number of years the Broken Axe tribe wandered west and north , conquering the Orc and Goblin tribes of the southern Worlds Edge Mountains and the Badlands .
9 For a number of years the efforts of those who were proponents of this vision were either contained or circumvented by the majority , who resisted such a massive change .
10 That must be extremely dubious , considering that for a number of years the payments were made under protest .
11 While the company has observed for a number of years the thrust of most of the recommendations put forward in the code of best practice , some of our procedures have been adjusted so that the form as well as the spirit of the code is met .
12 With a number of solids the interatomic forces are stronger and stiffer than they are in common liquids and so the surface energies are higher , often ten or twenty times the values for ordinary liquids .
13 This means that if a reaction , in theory , can be divided up into a number of steps the enthalpy change for the overall reaction equals the sum of the enthalpy changes for each step ( see figure 5.9 )
14 During the period of improvement the parents will notice a reduction in the number of times the child wets at night and also in the size of the wet patch .
15 Another indicator of this type of problem is the existence of strong food preferences and a gradual reduction in the number of foods the child will accept .
16 In a number of instances the government has ‘ fixed the odds ’ in favour of private provision .
17 In a number of instances the Romans took over a Greek theatre ( for example at Taormina ) and adapted it to their requirements .
18 In a number of provisions the 1977 Protocols seek to restate the principles of the laws of war so as to make as clear as possible the unacceptability of ‘ total war ’ .
19 Further , in a number of cases the variant was transmitted accurately in its new form to younger recruits so that a recognizably coherent group of like singers developed . ’
20 Though the onus of proving entitlement to the benefit claimed is normally on the claimant , in a number of cases the burden of proof is placed on the adjudication officer to satisfy the tribunal on the balance of probabilities of particular facts .
21 In a number of cases the courts have , as said , simply treated natural justice and fairness as synonymous ; the former is regarded as the latter writ large , the content of which will vary in different areas .
22 In a number of cases the jurisdictional facts will be expressed in terms of a subjective open textured discretion : the if X element will be ‘ if the Minister thinks fit , necessary , etc. , he may do … . ’
23 However , in a number of cases the courts began to indicate that some control over subjective discretion might be attained .
24 Nevertheless the matter is not entirely theoretical , for in a number of cases the courts have been faced with the need to analyse the juridical nature of a shareholder 's interest in order to determine the principles on which it should be valued .
25 However , in a number of cases the variables on the right-hand side of equation ( 6.5 ) account for rather a small proportion of the variance of the left-hand side variable , suggesting that some important influences on have been omitted from the estimating equation .
26 In a number of cases the Revenue did seek to argue that the beneficial user was a taxable benefit for the purposes of Case I and Case II ( and indeed Schedule E before the specific legislation was introduced ) .
27 However , in a number of cases the courts have required special notice to be given to individual terms .
28 It seems clear that in a number of places the word for professional soldier has been misunderstood as meaning " thousand " .
29 my Lord we have said in a number of places the claims are erm unlawful and we refer to the fact that the claims come out of the central fund bi-law
30 So , the other things that had erm we 've endeavoured to incorporate is to try and not divide the estate , one of the one of the aims of the master plan has been to seen to integrate bungalows and any new housing together and in a number of respects the demolition of the terraced blocks and the er er , putting back of more conventional two storey housing has allowed us to do this by rather than having a access road running the whole length of the estate and similarly the that are running past the length of the estate away from the houses we 've we 've put the houses where the road is and the road where the house , where the terraced blocks were , erm to form more of a conventional street scape so that people can look out on their cars and that we , you actually got the new houses facing the existing ones .
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