Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun prp] [noun pl] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 To provide a focus for the UK activities in this growing area
2 I 'll play the odd game for the Harlequins Gentlemen for some exercise and also in charity events , but that is all ’ — PAUL ACKFORD ( former England lock ) on rumours that he might be persuaded to return to the international scene .
3 Its powers were distributed between the London Boroughs with some important exceptions e.g. education in inner London ( for which a reconstituted and now directly elected Inner London Education Authority was created ) and fire services .
4 There may in fact be some differences in these time intervals and in other pathogenetic factors between Kock pouches and pelvic pouches , but in view of the general clinical similarities between the RP syndromes in these two forms of pouch ( Table V ) , we have felt justified in combining them for the purposes of our analysis .
5 The pair have tracked down a lot of information about the Pagefield Ironworks including some of the original draughtsmen 's drawings .
6 I recently helped one of the Costain girls on some research and she has sent me the final document , which I suspect will one day be of invaluable professional use , so it was nice she remembered .
7 Thus most of the ZNF genes in this region of the genome may be organised in clusters .
8 Witnesses have been describing the full horror of the May massacres for several weeks — and are now being taken seriously by the U.S. State Department .
9 One was the philosophic opposition of the Right-to-Life groups in this country ; and they said that this was a foot in the door , the first step down the road towards active and involuntary euthanasia , and we had that argument to counter and that group to deal with , and even after countering the argument , we still had the group to deal with .
10 If one compares this relatively brief account with Mrs Gaskell 's much more detailed one of the Barton lodgings off that court in Manchester , the eye picks up very similar detail .
11 Lorcan Wyer who has since gone on to become one of the most stylish jockeys in England was associated with most of the Scott winners in those days .
12 All four of the Titford brothers of this generation were in their early twenties on their wedding day — a reflection in itself of the fact that the average age at marriage for men was falling as the century wore on ; that average in the early 1700s had been as high as twenty-seven .
13 There are more telling differences , however : ( iv ) Errors of draughtsmanship are visible in the Newton St. Loe mosaic which contrast with the accurate execution of the Orpheus panels in all other Orpheus mosaics in the region .
14 letters rogatory , issued in conjunction with proceedings in civil and commercial matters held before a judicial or other adjudicatory authority of one of the States Parties to this Convention , that have as their purpose :
15 Thus the nature of liberal support , conveniently for conservatives , could be made to rob the work of the Cadiz liberals of any claim to represent the nation : liberalism appeared the vested interest of a ruthless political minority , ‘ the criminal conspiracy of a handful of facciosos ’ .
16 Will he consider sympathetically inclusion of the Penwith moors in that list ?
17 The three Western Allies do n't agree with the East Germans on this point , which has been the cause of many disagreements in the past .
18 If they are prepared to move with apparent ease into surroundings of this nature , will they equally find no problems by moving into the Wembley Arenas of this world ?
19 D. Far back , in Dimetrodon 's time , the rivers deposited the soil into the Triassic seas on either side of the Pennines .
20 The access to American know-how and management techniques , including both advice from the US missions in each country and visits to plants in the US , helped to lift productivity growth to an altogether more rapid rhythm .
21 Perhaps the trauma of changing coaches , moving from the Bradnam methods to those at Bisham , have affected her .
22 But what is equally incredible is that the inhabitants of Seascale had been suffering from the Windscale piles for several years before the fire .
23 — There were no clear conclusions from the SMIT minutes on this issue
24 Beside the door of each room a supply of ready-loaded firearms had been laid ; every available weapon , from the Enfield rifles of those killed earlier in the siege to native flintlocks and the countless sporting guns which had been such a feature of " the possessions " , had been pressed into service .
25 A detailed exploration of the area has succeeded in locating the headquarters of the rebel leader who led the revolt of 66-70AD and who fought alongside the Masada rebels for several years .
26 In general , conditions of land tenure , communal arrangements , and cultural traditions differed considerably in the Volga provinces from those in the West and the centre of European Russia .
27 There was a full page article announcing Darwinism is dead , which turned out as a matter of fact to be a reprint of an article which had appeared some months earlier in the Sunday Times of this country , erm which in fact was based very largely on some work by a young man called Steele , which none of us , I think , believed at the time , and which was since turned out clearly to have been mistaken .
28 First , in the case of agencies which have no central recording systems containing details of their drug-using clients — GPs , social services , and the probation service — a postal questionnaire survey of all professionals operating in the Wirral branches of these services was conducted .
29 By combining information on ships and shipowners found in the Liverpool Plantation Registers with material on the voyages of the same ships to Africa and the Americas gleaned from other trade and shipping records , it is possible to reconstruct in considerable depth a major port 's involvement in the Atlantic trades at this time , and to begin to assess their impact on economic change in its hinterland .
30 W.H. Hudson says somewhere that 18 May is the crown of the English summer : in the Midland fields on that day these miles of snowy hedges reach perfection , so dense and far-reaching that the entire atmosphere is saturated with the bitter-sweet smell whichever way the summer wind is blowing .
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