Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun prp] [noun] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Plan B mentioned last year was for the All Blacks to make only a fleeting visit to Australia , thus opening the way for the South Africans to make a short tour to Australia and then for the All Blacks to go to South Africa .
2 In October 1986 a cabinet meeting on space policy , presided over by Prime Minister Jacques Chirac , confirmed France 's support for the ESA objective to develop an independent European programme for manned space flights ; it authorized the CNES to take up a 45 per cent stake in the preparatory Hermes programme .
3 ‘ The death of Marcos offers a momentous opportunity for the Aquino government to rally the people behind the ideals which swept it to power : freedom and democracy , bread and justice .
4 Ferran Costa , a biologist for the Barcelona zoo attending the conference , ruled out toxic poisoning because 15 of the dolphins examined showed no trace of toxins .
5 On 1 April , lawyers for the Barnes Foundation petitioned the Montgomery County Orphans Court for permission to amend the section to the indenture banning loans .
6 In contrast , however , the omission of information for the Westwood nunnery leaves the Worcestershire aggregate defective , while data relating to secular clergy in the Aylesbury hundreds of Buckinghamshire are probably inadequate .
7 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what recent representations he has received from business men about the need for the United Kingdom to remain a receptive and attractive base for inward investment .
8 On the assumption that most parties in the House wish to remain in NATO , why is it necessary for the United Kingdom to have a capability of this kind , in addition to the United States capability ?
9 While accepting the need for the United Kingdom to have the protection of a strategic nuclear deterrent for the foreseeable future , may I ask the Secretary of State whether , as a result of his recent conversations with his French counterpart and the agreement reached at Maastricht , consideration has been given to greater co-operation in strategic nuclear matters with France ?
10 The British Foreign Office held that the prestige of the UN must be preserved and that it would be foolish for the United States to treat the UN as a rubber stamp for decisions already taken in Washington .
11 Leading British political , diplomatic and military figures were confirmed in their belief that it was not in the national interest for the United States to hold a monopoly of this crucial weapon among the Western allies .
12 Taiwan must not come under communist control ; it was not essential for the United States to control the island but the Chinese communists must not capture it .
13 Was Korea of sufficient importance for the United States to accept a substantial financial and political involvement ?
14 The Federal Republic of Germany filed an amicus brief arguing that the Convention was exclusive and that it was contrary to its spirit for the United States to circumvent the Convention .
15 Indeed , the huge capital exports by US business provided a ‘ justification ’ for the United States running a current account surplus and were used as such during the Smithsonian discussions over the size of adjustment of the exchange rate .
16 In 1902 , a direct line was laid up Clifton Street for the Marton cars to avoid the bottleneck on Talbot Road .
17 But for the England players having a friendly against the men of Letcombe Regis the lack of a big sponsor hinders their every effort .
18 New products for the UK market include the integrated accounting software package , Sterling +2 , which runs under MS-DOS and Windows and was launched in September 1992 ( CI No 2,015 ) — according to Goldman , it is ‘ selling like hot cakes ’ ; a new version of the high-end , high margin Sovereign offering for the mid-range market — although prices did not increase , total sales of the product rose 20% in real terms , which was important , Goldman said , as this market is much more valuable than Sterling 's ; and MoneyWise , which is targeted at the home and small business market and costs less than £50 .
19 The conference rejected an Australian proposal endorsing the transfer of the West German stockpiles , but also stopped short of demanding an outright halt to the entire incineration project , calling instead for the US government to close the incinerator as soon as the current programme had been completed .
20 Therefore , should cold war tension heighten , it would not be possible for the US authorities to place a moratorium upon the use of such dollar balances .
21 For the Out Skerries comprise a group of three little islands which are conveniently arranged to form a perfect natural harbour .
22 The Edinburgh Partnership will present the case for the Dean Centre to become the new Gallery for Scottish Art on Tuesday , July 20 at 11.30 am .
23 Roger Wade , co-owner of the Boxfresh label and now handling UK fashion sales for the Carhartt brand gives an insight into the emergence of workwear : ‘ For probably two years there were only really bits and pieces of names like Carhartt being worn — it was a very small thing , but it was being worn by the right people .
24 It was no doubt proper and necessary for the Rome Convention to stipulate a proper law applicable to the consequences of nullity of the contract in order to embody a comprehensive conflicts of law code ; but it by no means follows that the consequences of nullity are matters relating to a contract , since ex hypothesi no contract existed ; nor is article 10(1) ( e ) comparable with article 10(1) ( c ) ( which is the sub-paragraph cited in the Arcado case [ 1988 ] E.C.R. 1539 ) or indeed with sub-paragraphs ( a ) , ( b ) and ( d ) of article 10(1) , since in all these instances there is a contract in existence .
25 On Wednesday a spokeswoman for the Saatchi Collection told The Independent that ‘ approximately 40 to 50 works have been sold ’ , but she was equally insistent that the motive behind the sales was Saatchi 's desire to shift the emphasis of the collection more towards British art .
26 A spokeswoman for the Saatchi Collection said the sales did not signal a lessening commitment to the collection , but had been made to finance new acquisitions .
27 Preliminary designs for the ARI Racer show a planform not dissimilar to those of the Su-27 and Gulfstream/SukhoiSu-21GSSBJ .
28 The next morning ( Sunday ) I walked into the valley of the Laguna Grande de Gredos , heading for the Elola Refuge to join the rescue team , and was heartened by the sight of a helicopter floating between the menacing crags overlooking a serene glacial lake .
29 He added : ‘ The situation is too serious for the Dublin Government to echo the British line .
30 Three candidates are fighting for the Norton seat following the death of Tory county councillor Hilda Reading : Alan Earle ( Tory ) , Dorothy Johnson ( Lab ) and Maxine Carre ( Lib Dem ) .
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