Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun prp] [verb] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 The ISE is sceptical of these developments , although critics of the ISE argue that it is only interested in large companies and particularly in developing the international equity market at the expense of smaller domestic equities .
2 The deliberations of the RDC revealed that it was intended to pave the way for the establishment of a provisional government .
3 The pioneers of the NHS accepted that it would initially be necessary to increase the resources devoted to the service , but that this would level off as medical needs were satisfied .
4 The chair of the NEC said that it was forced to take action after it uncovered widespread irregularities and blatant corruption on the part of both recognized political parties — the National Republican Convention ( NRC ) and the Social Democratic Party ( SDP ) .
5 At the moment of firing he closed his eyes tight , but he never heard the crack of the Winchester discharging because it was drowned in the roar of Jacques Devraux 's Mauser .
6 The funds were designated for humanitarian rather than military aid , but given that such funds freed existing funds for arms purchase , it was not difficult for critics of the WCC to argue that it was supporting terrorism .
7 The contrasts made above between the political systems on the two sides of the Atlantic suggest that it may be much more difficult for British pressure groups to identify points at which the political system is particularly open to influence .
8 Although the rest of the world was the lowest cost source of supply the imposition of the CET meant that it was not the lowest priced source of supply in the domestic economy .
9 However , the attack , which was thought to have been planned for Kiechle 's 60th birthday party on March 3 in Bavaria , had not taken place and a further letter from the RAF stated that it had been called off due to a " mistake in co-ordination " .
10 As far as the direct effects of test-case litigation are concerned , therefore , experience both here and in the USA suggests that it would be unwise to look to the courts alone to secure a right of tax-diversion .
11 Moreover , research on the transmission of the virus in the USA suggests that it is drug injectors who are ‘ the main source for any future heterosexual epidemic ’ ( Moss 1987 , p.389 ) .
12 On Jan. 29 the Iranian government denied claims made in the UK press that it was seeking to recruit nuclear scientists from the former Soviet Union .
13 ( N7001U was wrongly called a ‘ 737 ’ in the November FlyPast when it was illustrated in colour ! )
14 You used to stay in every Wednesday to see if it was you ! ) , and was delighted by the accolade .
15 Gloucester 's first match was home to the Wasps.It finished as it started , all square .
16 However , the case of R v South Glamorgan Appeals Committee ex parte Evans ( 1984 ) showed that when looking at individual claims for a school place , it was necessary for an appeal committee to determine first whether the admission of one further child would prejudice efficient education at the school ( with the onus on the LEA to show that it would ) : if they concluded that it would not , they would have to allow the appeal .
17 My time at the DHSS showed that it was impossible to make any significant change without a fierce public and professional battle — even when improvement meant more resources for health care or put right long-standing problems .
18 In the early months of 1914 the Unionist leaders prepared for this desperate throw , and the plan was only abandoned when the " mutiny " at the Curragh showed that it was unnecessary , for the officers would not in any case agree to coerce Ulster .
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