Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun pl] that [pers pn] had " in BNC.

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1 For a while they made so much work for the bailiffs that they had little time to harass the Nonconformists .
2 He was also strongly opposed to the CNAA being responsible for the development of a rival system to that of the universities , rather than the safety net for the universities that he had envisaged .
3 During these years the most important of the established exhibitors at the Indépendants and the Salon d'Automne included Bonnard , Vuillard and Denis , while the strong group of Neo-Impressionist painters under the leadership of Signac were also recognized and admired ; by 1909 Vauxcelles was able to comment on the fact that it was no longer necessary to fight for the painters that he had christened the Fauves .
4 The university authorities claimed after the talks that they had offered a package of generous proposals in an attempt to settle the dispute .
5 I think it 's the reconciliation based on perhaps some of the problems that we had at the lost last stock take which are accelerated You know probably the odd miscount here and there this time .
6 He said : ‘ Part of the problems that we had last week was that the Cabinet was out of touch with backbench feelings … and not only our feelings but those in the constituencies .
7 Only the the congratulations are implicit it seems to me in what you have said to the Labour Group for finding a way out of the problems that you had created .
8 And you know one of the big tricks is to force the editors of magazines to write the headlines before you write the pages — that 's something they hate to do , but in Rolling Stone that was one of the rules that we had .
9 I think that er one of the things that we had to examine at national level er and this was done erm after I became a full time officer , erm there 'd usually be a procedure in the national agreement er whereby first of all if we registered failure to agree at domestic level , erm with the management , the next stage was to draw in the district secretary .
10 No er the most annoying thing about last night was when , when Martin was actually reviewing erm some of the topics that we had n't got right erm and Martin was prompting us with questions and we answered them !
11 For Edward , India had lost the only element he had liked in it — the easy affection of the Indians that he had taken for granted as a child — and gained nothing in compensation .
12 He let his racket do the talking and discovered the magic of The Championships that he had previously derided , as have so many of the giants of the past .
13 Bowled over by the originality and assurance of Joyce 's Ulysses , which was being sent to him by the author in typescript section by section , Pound was between 1920 and 1922 dismantling the several hundred lines of The Cantos that he had written and published , and recasting them radically , using some of the same material but trying for a less personalized presentation .
14 She went to sit on the sofa , and there she dreamed of Johnny , tenderly and with affection ; she thought of the words that he had said , and they made a warm spot , infinitely sweet , deep inside her where it could not be touched ; for just an hour or two , she began to believe that she truly loved him .
15 There was no sign of Haines , no one had come with a list of grievances , and Harold was able to give some of the assurances that I had urged upon him before the first dinner .
16 ( pointing to one of the Stones that we had tested . )
17 I picked it up after the election and modified it in the light of the amendments that we had tabled when we were in opposition .
18 I ca n't remember at the policy and resources why it was decided by a majority because in in replying to this report on making our comments to this report , I first had consultations with officers to go through some of the items that we had done and issues that we had covered in this authority especially the members ' services sub committee and we knocked off the bare bones of er a report to the policy and resources committee and the policy .
19 He went into her giant bathroom to take his mind off things and stood there awhile between her mirrors , thinking not particularly of how he looked himself but mostly of the inflections that she had caught from Fred , and also of how it must feel to be this negligently perfect child , who had obviously never in her life spent herself combating a flaw .
20 There was a whisper amongst the servants that she had fled from Andrew in terror on the night of her return .
21 It was what Pound found out the hard way , when the recurrent occasions of The Cantes compelled him time and again , not infrequently , to go against the precepts that he had promulgated himself when he was the fugleman for imagism and vorticism — for instance ( and it is only the most obvious instance ) , the prohibition against archaic diction .
22 It has not been possible for the American navy to leave behind the assets that it had developed there , but my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Defence will certainly take note of the point that the hon. Lady raised about Ministry of Defence assets in the area .
23 He 's a charming Hungarian , who had such trouble with the Communists that he had to get out .
24 A good place to begin is with the goals that you had reached about two weeks before you went on holiday .
25 One of them died soon afterwards ; and the other one — I saw it myself-was so bad and its head so swollen up with the stings that it had to be supported in its stable by a kind of sling fixed to the roof . ’
26 It agreed with the police that he had been arrested for cycling without due care and attention and that this had been sufficiently communicated to him .
27 They no longer felt , as they had previously , that there was unlimited time or that things would unfold and develop along the lines that they had unconsciously assumed they would .
28 So dim was it under the trees that she had to get close up before she could make certain that the second figure was a nine .
29 I asked how many responses had been received because we knew , from the responses that we had received , that the vast majority of the people of Ayrshire are totally opposed to the opting out of Ayrshire South hospital .
30 I heard later from the servants that he had spoken to Mrs Reed about me , and that she had agreed immediately to send me to school .
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