Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [adj] [noun] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 One shoulder operation and a season of water-treading later , this determined , self-assured competitor is once again strutting his stuff to destructive effect ; quite why he was overlooked for the Oval Test escapes me .
2 It would seem to be still more inappropriate for the criminal law to deny its protection to parties ( probably a majority in this country ) who have expressly chosen to be married according to a wholly different ceremony .
3 The people love us for the genuine American feel we bring to the business .
4 In reply , the Under-Secretary of State for the Armed Forces gave me certain assurances .
5 They did not seem to mind , each patting her head and calling out that her hair would soon grow , which was more than could be said for the balding bailiffs escorting them .
6 In any event it will probably be relevant in most cases for the Industrial Tribunal to ask itself whether there has been any substantial fault on the part of the employee or his adviser which has led to the failure to comply with the statutory time limit
7 Sun Microsystems Inc turned biblical for the virtual reality display it mounted at Siggraph last week : equipped with a headset , the wearer got swallowed up and landed in the belly of a fish .
8 The connections between these three issues need to be kept in mind , although opportunities for the internal reformer to make them effectively will greatly vary .
9 The very weakness of the Arab states , economically , militarily and in terms of political stability , made it dangerous for the Soviet Union to support them unconditionally .
10 He felt that MacArthur was not interested now in a peace conference actually meeting but rather of putting forward the proposal in order for the Soviet Union to reject it .
11 He then conceded that ‘ in principle there is no need for the Soviet Union to have its fleet in the Mediterranean on a permanent basis ’ .
12 Rejecting what he considers to be the uncomfortably fast Czerny metronome mark of 96 per bar for Haydn 's Symphony no.99 , Neumann states that ‘ this is certainly a fast minuet , beaten in one[ ; but ] it seems [ only ] to call for a tempo of ca.66 for the dotted half-note to convey its commodious gemütlich spirit . ’
13 Can you please let me know what the position is with regard to order number 026 that I placed with you for the above tape to run it on VAX 3500 running ULTRIX , at either 6250 or 1600 bpi ? ( ordered on 12 May )
14 Kept in touch with him , waiting for the right occasion to use him .
15 I 'm an administrator by background , and I think that 's interesting , because one of the things that we are trying to do in the health service is to open up our management posts to people of all professions , and to recognise that management is not the prerogative of any particular group , but that we 're looking for the right people to manage our services from wherever they might come , and I 'm one of three people who has a responsibility to the senior manager in the community at the top , for the managing on a day-to-day basis the health services in Oxfordshire .
16 Fenella and Caspar both knelt down , taking a gentle hold of the Tree Spirits ' maimed branches , searching for the right words to convey their gratitude .
17 The chief executive may know what change is needed , but has to wait for the right time to introduce it .
18 John Delaney knew now that all along it had been hunting them , that it was still hunting them , waiting for the right moment to pick them off at will , one at a time .
19 Mungo admired Emily 's patience as she waited for the right moment to mention his proposition .
20 His only choice at present was to wait for the right moment to play his hand .
21 After Theo had gone , Vincent waited for the right moment to break his own news to Sien .
22 As far as he 's concerned , Barney is his man and he 's simply waiting for the forensic reports to confirm it .
23 The Regulations do not deal with the form of this record and although it would seem desirable for the sole member to sign it , in case of dispute , there is no requirement of signature in the Regulations .
24 Indeed it has been almost necessary for the agricultural industry to ignore it in order to develop the modern chemical systems of farming .
25 Then after the the well there 's er the library as they called it was lined with books leather bound books great big kidney shaped oak table and beautiful chairs there and we used it as the office you know for the principal keeper did his returns and all the rest of it there .
26 If the government 's support for the landowning nobility perpetuated its age-old conflict with the peasantry , the direct corollary of its close alliance with industrial employers was confrontation with labour .
27 It started as a minor incident involving a petrol tanker , but then other vehicles travelling too fast for the foggy conditions found they counld n't stop in time and crashed as well .
28 ‘ what a mortgagee is entitled to is that which is covered by the words ‘ costs charges and expenses properly incurred , ’ and it is for the taxing masters to say what these are … if the parties desire to depart from such a rule , they must express themselves in plain and unequivocal language .
29 The effect of these provisions is , in our judgment , that if an account contains items of litigation costs or non-litigation costs the items can be referred to a taxing master for taxation i.e. for the taxing master to decide what amount is recoverable in respect thereof .
30 But it was perhaps in the great days of immigration that the station acted as a centre of awareness for the existing population viewing their new fellow citizens , and for the immigrants discovering the no less real inequalities of their adopted country .
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