Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun sg] [noun sg] [verb] us " in BNC.

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1 Whether such a prognosis is indeed likely or not is a question to which we shall return shortly , but for the time being let us merely note the danger , which is in any event a very real one , and pass on .
2 Yes sir , on the erm first part erm in in clarification if I might sir the erm question of er briefing the Chairman is in fact dealt with in paragraph forty seven of annex C of P P G twelve although I 'm grateful for information on paragraph forty eight , erm and it says amongst other things that er there shall be a briefing and that briefing , the contents of that briefing shall be made public can I press the er spokesman for the environment committee to tell us er why in fact that was n't done and whether he thinks there can be prop proper public debate if it is n't done .
3 Our first steps off the Spyway road took us through green and pleasant farmland where playful sheep frolicked alongside and a lone tractor droningly went about its work .
4 By Tuesday 20th Bob had blown away so at 5.30am we heard the clang of the chow bell to awaken us and we made our preparations to get underway .
5 Knowledge of the subject matter helps us to understand the meaning of a text in a foreign language ( Mackey 1965 p 252 ) .
6 ‘ I do n't know what it is about dolphins , ’ said the leading lady of the entertainment show Give Us A Clue , ‘ but you just feel that they understand what you are going on about .
7 The verve of the nursery rhyme spins us round in a sinister way , since it is disturbing to see the familiar ‘ mulberry bush ’ of the children 's rhyme replaced with the arid ‘ prickly pear ’ , making the rhyme like some distorted survival of a primitive chant .
8 Both these versions of the expertise theory assure us that the special expertise of directors at once justifies conferring upon them the discretion to run the business and imposes a restraint on how they exercise that discretion .
9 She said : ‘ About two weeks after we had been held captive by the Iraqis , one of the air crew told us that there were SAS soldiers on board the plane .
10 A crash in the direction of the Town Hall warned us we would soon be needed .
11 The priestly authors who compiled this version of the creation story show us a God who differentiates , who divides the night from the day , the light from the dark .
12 In effect , in one step the concept of the turbidity current took us back to the catastrophism of earlier geological thought .
13 It is highly probable that by early in the next century it will require no more than ten per cent of the labour force to provide us with all our material needs — that is , all the food we eat , all the clothing we wear , all the textiles and furnishings in our houses , the houses themselves , the appliances , the automobiles , and so on .
14 This concept of a knowledge worker enables us to sketch out a simple model of the major information communication processes between environment and enterprise .
15 G. Lightheart is our link with the Education Department keeping us informed and obtaining cash , especially for the Youth Club … to Ian Watson , the hall keeper who does so many things for the Association which are beyond his official duties .
16 G. Lightheart is our link with the Education Department keeping us informed and obtaining cash , especially for the Youth Club … to Ian Watson , the hall keeper who does so many things for the Association which are beyond his official duties .
17 I remember once going to Anfield , losing 2-0 , and the chairman coming into the dressing room to congratulate us warmly on only losing by two goals .
18 Our Mosquito squadron had gone out to bomb one of the usual targets in western France and when they began to come back , the first crew to come into the Met Office told us the news ,
19 And would such a figure — an auteur with a carrying voice to bring us all within earshot — be helpful , or even possible ?
20 Instead of calculating the electric field directly from the charge distribution let us first determine the potential and obtain the electric field by differentiation .
21 Erm and we find in the office that we get lots of forms coming in from the Paymaster General asking us to confirm that mister X is employed you know on a on a part time basis .
22 The system is linked to a 900 tph bulk scale in the silo block allowing us to weigh out exact quantities from any of the 15 silos at the touch of a button .
23 ‘ Such investments outside the over-heated markets in the South East show us good initial yield and will provide increased growth as the recession lifts , ’ Mr Ridley said .
24 ‘ Like the old sod with the white hair in the end booth watching us now , ’ Devlin observed .
25 ‘ A charitable woman who had been active in the Nationalist movement gave us rooms in an old house and collected money from her friends .
26 They have wheeled out Miss Piggy and Co in the studio limo to give us Dickens 's Christmas Carol starring a suitably dyspepsic Michael Caine as the dreaded Scrooge .
27 If we can laugh out loud about getting old , break the silence that surrounds it instead of suffering quietly , then we are beginning to escape from a fear society wants us to have — so we will buy uplift bras , expensive face creams and continue to fear and envy younger women .
28 A sharp turn to the south east took us past St Ives , and up a massive sand-filled estuary towards Hayle .
29 On the day of our departure all our close friends came to the railway station to see us off .
30 We will have to rely more and more on the back-up squad to keep us going .
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