Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] of [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 For the majority of people the response to an odour is instantaneous , disappearing immediately the odorant is removed .
2 She hated John , and when Herod rashly promised Herodias ' daughter anything she wanted , Herodias made her daughter ask for the head of John the Baptist .
3 For the purpose of discussion the impact of agriculture on environment will initially be examined in relation to three distinct regions that exemplify developing world environments , namely arid and semi-arid regions , humid rainforest regions and mountain areas .
4 In Reg. v. Barrett , 12 J.L.R. 179 , where again the accused applied unsuccessfully for leave to appeal against conviction , the defence contended that the trial judge should have allowed them to see the statement of a witness who had identified the accused at an identification parade 10 days after the commission of the offence , on the ground that , the witness having stated that she had given a description of the accused to the police , the defence were entitled as a matter of law to know the details of that description for the purpose of cross-examining the witness and testing her credibility .
5 For the purpose of comparison the three different types of representation for the utterance The order goes in by late November are shown below :
6 For the purpose of upkeep the Wall was built approximately three metres east of the true border , creating a strip of land called the Untebaugebiet .
7 For the whole of Scotland the official percentage of married women in employment was only 4.1 per cent , compared to 9.6 per cent in Great Britain as a whole .
8 It was then that they scooped out for the storage of goods the extensive vaults and cellaring that still run beneath the old town today .
9 In evolving the final arrangement of elements for The Wealth of Nations the artist began with a series of drawings and models set in relations to the building .
10 Furthermore , by the doctrine of vicarious liability , if Y is employed by X , X will be vicariously liable for the actions of Y. The essence of occupancy therefore is ‘ occupational control ’ .
11 The American tradition of the fine photographic print may have been an irresistible provocation — but there were plenty of precedents available for the kind of work the Starn Twins wanted to do ( notably the expansively scored and painted photographic base used by Anselm Kiefer ; Julian Schnabel 's broken plates ) .
12 To return to this country , I am advising on a draft Bill for the protection of antiquities the Society of Antiquaries , the Council for British Archaeology and the museum profession are behind it .
13 So there was intermarriage with natives , something also implied by Pindar ( Pythian ix ) , who describes how Telesikrates ' ancestors competed for the daughter of Antaios the Libyan giant ( and cp .
14 Table 26 shows that in 1991 injuries to elderly people accounted for 50.3% of all bus passenger injuries whereas for the rest of Scotland the figure was 43.4% .
15 In the contest for the governorship of Tokyo the LDP switched its support from the 80-year-old incumbent governor Shunichi Suzuki , to Hisanori Isomura , the candidate supported by the national leadership of the opposition Komeito ( Clean Government Party ) and Democratic Socialist Party ( DSP ) .
16 But for the donations of Louis the Pious in 817 and of Otto I in 962 we ave texts , the Ludovicianum and the Ottonianum , which have been accepted as genuine .
17 After what seemed ages , Dustin thought he might be willing to co-star in John and Mary if only in gratitude for the bit of play-doctoring the two visitors had done .
18 The Detachment Commander , a Captain and Ammunition Technical Officer ( ATO ) in the Royal Ordnance Corps , is busy writing up reports for the couple of incidents the team has attended during the preceding few days .
19 It was to satisfy a roving disposition and an idle curiosity rather than any deep ideal that Rudolf Rassendyll , man-about-town , decided on impulse while travelling in France to visit Strelsau for the coronation of Rudolf the Fifth .
20 I would rather not have that on the subject reports but if it 's going to be on i for the sake of coherence the comments should be together .
21 For the sake of exposition the duty will be analysed here in four parts .
22 For the sake of clarity the ascending-node longitudes have all been set equal to each other , though within each group they are in any case much the same .
23 Although for the sake of clarity the stages are shown as separate boxes , this is a poor form of organization to use in practice .
24 Although for the sake of clarity the stages are shown as separate boxes , this is a poor form of organization to use in practice .
25 For the sake of standardization the London Companies always worked to the lowest common denominator ! )
26 I had had my head shaved for the sake of hygiene the day before I left England .
27 To account for the absence of eggs the Smithsonian scientists removed female moths , ready to lay , from captured sloths to screened cages , where the moths promptly laid their eggs on any hard surface .
28 Though intimidation was not discussed in the case it can not be that B could have avoided the binding nature of the contract by the simple device of counterclaiming for damages for intimidation and it seems therefore that for the purposes of intimidation the plaintiff should be required to show unlawful coercion at least of such a degree as would enable him to avoid a contract .
29 For the purposes of calculation the term will then run from the date on which it is expressed to begin , although the tenant 's interest will not vest until the date on which the lease is actually executed ( Cadogan ( Earl ) v Guinness [ 1936 ] Ch 515 ) .
30 For the purposes of analysis the children who received adenotonsillectomy were grouped with those receiving adenoidectomy alone .
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