Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] that er [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Both for not being prepared , not giving the opening of this course the importance that it did deserve , and obviously for the embarrassment that er you must have felt having to sit there while I made a total fool of myself .
2 And there was a Miss living in the croft beside and she dreamt during the night that er he he was stolen .
3 I wanted to talk to you about the things that er you 've got from the meetings and to just think about the pricing issues .
4 Well actually I have read about the heron that er I think was it I 'm not sure that
5 It is one of the rules that er we get a grant from the society .
6 Right One of the things that er we try to pass on is that you 'll pick up a lot of information which may not be relevant to you but may be relevant to members of your family or friends .
7 The result of the calculation that er I think appropriate is that one finds twenty hours a week , seven pounds an hour , thirty seven weeks a year comes out I hope at five thousand , one hundred and eighty pounds , to that should be added four hundred and forty five pounds national insurance contributions and I have left the advertising fees at the same amount two hundred pounds .
8 When they hit the moon part of the moon they hit is bright and the part of the moon that er they do n't hit
9 Well it 's part of the reason that er it 's not celebrated is that because it is n't a holiday .
10 Er I was fully aware of the fact that er you know , some people say , particularly in the fitting departments where experience had taught the fitters , having been given a free hand , er that they accumulated all the parts for a job , or even part of the job , they did certain assemblies you know , until they got all the part pieces assembled ready to combine it into the main unit , erm that experience er was being overtaken by an introduction of smaller units being assembled you know , bit by bit as they were being produced in the machine shop .
11 Er so regardless of the fact that er I was er well recommended and eminently suitable er for the job they would n't even let me go
12 And I learn quite a lot myself but it does give me that little bit of a challenge that er I think is helpful in retirement .
13 Was there any feeling amongst the men that er it was not only a low grade , but it was done by women if you if you like ?
14 I do n't think it 's against the constitution that er it would be a bit unusual to find him involved in handling money to be involved in he went to Majorca or Tenerife or in a bid to see each other it 's a possibility .
15 Yes , well up here in Scotland er where I live erm the maincrop variety Golden Wonder tends to certainly need a par boiling and a par boiling only er when cooking so it needs about what five to six minutes or something like that but erm any more and the tatties go to mash and er that 's why I think a lot of the Golden Wonders er in Scotland are cooked in their skins but erm if I was to go for a variety that er I enjoy would be one called Pentland Ivory , it 's a , a nice flowery spud er and you get quite a plentiful supply of them too so it 's quite a good variety but you know the old Kerr 's Pink used to be called I think Henry 's Seedling , I remember rightly and then it changed its name to Kerr 's Pink because Kerr was a seedsman up in who really introduced it and er that was just after the first world war and that 's a good one , that 's a very good one and it 's got that waxy skin as well you see so it might be quite useful .
16 It well may be that erm you know with the help that er he can be referred to , they help him keep out of trouble again , for a lot longer .
17 Erm on the use of existing employment sites , I 'd hate you to go away with the impression that er we were actively seeking to reallocate sites as they came forward , and that certainly is n't the case .
18 We all know the grave problems in some of our children 's homes but we ca n't run away with the fact that er they 're unique to or the problems do n't exist elsewhere because we all know they do .
19 Very anxious to promote the Wales in Europe scheme because it 's been very important to us , including the links that er we have been able to build up with other regions of Europe in Catalonia , , Lombardy and Battenberkaburg above all er which our our sort of strong erm er neighbours which can teach us a lot about industry and these are the areas that we will want to link up with by having this extra seat in the European parliament , er and obviously I mean there are sorts of areas where we have some sympathy with the occasional point that is made by the anti-Europe speakers on the other side .
20 Er can I I started to comment on about the er , er bank accounts which are you know er my the reaction that I saw was all round the table and I think we would go further that er any company handling pension funds should carry pensions somewhere in their names and all on all their paperwork etcetera so that everybody 's totally clear that they are dealing with pension funds and er to agree with a comment that you made in one of your earlier reports that er designation of ownership of shares of pension funds should be clearly er marked on those shares er that also would of er at least alerted these financial institutions , as once again that they were handling stocks belonging to pension fund and they still have ignored it in the case that er they did , but er er they would ha not had the excuse that er apparently some of them have made that er they were not aware that these were pension funds assets .
21 In the sense that er you say that you had a camera club
22 Erm well slightly different in the fact that er we er have two close schemes with far more er beneficiaries than there are er subscribing members , and at the moment that are four nominated by the er employer and four by the unions er we wish to say a pensioner erm that the rights were a pensioner nominee to that board of trustees , because we feel that er the situation is er is going to increase , we 've got so many beneficiaries and that the pensioners have no representative er I know that erm people on the boards of trustees are completely impartial , but on the other hand there is no pensioner there , the members are unsure of the fund , because of what 's been said , not that I 'm implying it 's not a secure fund , it is a secure fund , but they think why are they keeping the pensioners off , they there is some sort of hidden agenda they will not have us on there because neither of the businesses although we have tried for several years er they will not entertain at the moment erm a pensioner trustee , and yet Professor Good in his report acknowledges the merit of pensioner nominated trustees , er particularly in the sort of schemes where we 've got , wh where th the majority of beneficiaries .
23 Erm it has become worse in a way that er we did , I did experience some sort of er , er racial intolerance er with the youth , but the middle-aged and the er m older people were very , very er tolerant I had to ask er when I could n't find my way , ask my way to certain places and er there was an that er the lady just walked by me er with me and she , she said I 'll have to walk with you you ca n't find it .
24 You had to watch but if people came to your door in a in a state that er you knew it was a genuine case , you would probably help them out you know .
25 They do n't want to charge her so that she can have the opportunity of proving to the court that er she is innocent .
26 Yes chairman , that er we er would be prepared , the County Council would be prepared to put in a statement to the effect that er it would be w prepared to amend the key diagram to reflect a a single er star on the diagram er to reflect the A fifty nine relief road .
27 Now erm you will already know and I certainly would 've told you on the phone that er you are not responsible for setting the assignments up .
28 Erm on the basis that er we were , when we were setting the , the targets , the time was set by the work study personnel erm and then the operator was able to obtain a trial run on the time given er and if at the end of the work , he was satisfied that he had made the target bonus , or near enough , or if he was satisfied that , given a little extra opportunity to go back onto that job should it come back again in the near future , then he would , he would see clearly that he could make at least fifty percent er which was the target bonus , and probably more .
29 Now that 's changed slightly on the basis that er we will tell people before they go now .
30 Pricing the strategy on the packages that er we have er mentioned is er now changing .
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