Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] that it take " in BNC.

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1 WE are going to stop apologising to ourselves for the fact that it takes money to run this organisation .
2 During the time that it took to prepare , I stretched out on my back , staring into the trees , listening to the wind teasing their branches .
3 Cyberscience says that reports can often be produced in a hundredth of the time that it takes with Cobol .
4 The novel can plausibly be labelled science fiction by virtue of the fact that it takes place in the future and involves ‘ alien ’ life forms , but the use of science and other specialized discourses is kept to a minimum .
5 It is a little like the adage that it takes money to make money .
6 No pay was given for Bank Holidays , with the result that it took weeks to recover from the loss of income .
7 The leaf area/weight was as efficient in the sense that it took about the same time to detect comparable differences .
8 Firstly , the Forum programme is global in the sense that it takes place in all the regions .
9 His palm was rotating over her breast , filling her with a delicious lassitude , the unfamiliar feeling overwhelming her in the way that it took over her whole body , his touch vibrating through every nerve and firing every pulse .
10 Dear god , everything is so wrong , look , it took you six days to make the world , but does it say in the bible that it took you fifteen days to design it , oh no you just got up and decided to make the world .
11 A much more effective technique is to suggest to the group that it takes a break from the task .
12 Images of Nazism and the war appear so often on the screen that it took some effort to realise that these were real people inside those costumes ; that the peaked cap and leather boots were n't on hire from the wardrobe department .
13 Traditionally some vendors oppose asset sales on the basis that it takes too long to obtain the landlord 's consent and the long delay between exchange and completion causes uncertainty for the business .
14 Had the Conservatives won the election by a whisker , which at one time seemed likely , they would probably have plumped for a Labour Speaker ( on the grounds that it took one vote off the Opposition ) .
15 The dominion status declaration was made in October 1929 and met on the Congress side by what amounted to a demand that it take immediate effect .
16 The sensitivity of the initiative is underlined by the fact that it took at least five months for Unix Labs and Santa Cruz to agree on a basic specification drawn up by UK firm IXI Ltd and edited by Unix Labs .
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