Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] when she [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 She had just identified the object as a large flat piece of cardboard when she realised that footsteps behind her had carried on .
2 He had sat opposite her , watching her while she ate , making an extravagant moue of distaste when she suggested that he share it , but staring at her with a concentrated , almost angry , satisfaction ; rather , she thought , as a mother might watch a convalescent child taking her first mouthful .
3 Such a fleeting allegiance was common amongst Surrealism 's female associates : Frida Kahlo never joined up at all , and she spoke for many of the women who where connected with Surrealism when she declared that Breton and his circle ‘ thought I was a Surrealist , but I was n't .
4 It was only after the women had left that she thought to check the receipt book to make sure it had not been her duty to collect payment for today 's four lunches , then sighed with relief when she saw that this had been attended to at lunchtime by Jean .
5 Her eyebrows rose in astonishment when she saw that somebody had taken her parking place .
6 Outrage turned to agitation when she saw that he was jamming the key in the lock with such force that the flesh on his fingers was turning white .
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