Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] is [to-vb] that the " in BNC.

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1 After all , the purpose of management is to see that the work of the organisation gets done , and the only managers who supervise ‘ actual work ’ directly are the ‘ front-line ’ or ‘ first-line ’ supervisors ( eg. ‘ foreman ’ in manufacturing industries ) .
2 Another way of describing lack of spontaneity is to say that the participant is ‘ holding back ’ , not ‘ letting himself go ’ , not ‘ giving himself ’ to the situation .
3 ‘ the function of the judge at a criminal trial as respects the admission of evidence is to ensure that the accused has a fair trial according to law .
4 The main concern with cash is to ensure that the method and arrangements for payment are clearly stated in the sale agreement and that the purchaser has adequate notice of whether a banker 's draft or telegraphic transfer is required .
5 One key way of protecting ourselves in future is to ensure that the premiums charged fully reflect the risks that the country has to take on in allowing such cover to go forward .
6 The first task for Government is to ensure that the security forces have the resources — legal and material — which they need .
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