Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] and do n't [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 If you 're after shareware and do n't want to pay a library for a disk full , the only other way is to either copy the programs from a friend or get on-line to a Bulletin Board System and download the programs from there via a modem .
2 The plaintiff 's accountant Mr confines himself to quantifying the heads of loss and does n't speak with reference to the er allegations that are made in any way .
3 Because a horse has got plenty of blood and does n't miss a bit of blood drained off and then returned .
4 I , like many other married women , hope to achieve some kind of independence and do n't want to rely on my husband for everything all the time .
5 We 'd have got away with it if we had noticed that the polystyrene tiles had slipped out of alignment — but having shifted dozens of tanks around we made the fatal error of complacency and did n't check the underlay .
6 We respect your status as a prisoner of war and do n't ask you for military information …
7 A new concept that does n't depend on recognition , does n't depend of check-off and does n't depend on representation by shop stewards in every workplace .
8 That is , they keep to their own area of fell and do n't wander .
9 The man had nerves of steel and did n't need anyone 's good wishes .
10 Claiming on an ex-husband 's contributions is a matter of bookkeeping and does n't reduce his pension , and can be done confidentially .
11 ‘ We were the first to consider the social implications of planning and did n't want one vast sprawl .
12 Her mother , being Jewish , had to keep well out of sight and did n't venture out .
13 Perhaps he has only met one type of female and does n't realise that a woman can value time alone and is n't forever fretting over her partner 's choice of underwear .
14 Ruth 's hair was out of shape and did n't do justice to her strong bone structure so stylist Caroline Stacey , also from Keith Hall the Hairdressers , but from their Leicester salon , decided to take the weight out of the back leaving the top longer .
15 It was a paper devoid of politics and did n't represent any of the spirit they had thought of and encapsulated in the Charter .
16 However , Mr Lewis 's engagingly informal manner , and his statement at dinner that the United States ‘ would always stand on the side of justice and did n't mind admitting mistakes had been made at Versailles ’ seemed to do much to win the confidence of his lordship 's ‘ home team' ; as dinner progressed , the conversation had slowly but surely turned from topics such as the merits of Mr Lewis 's native Pennsylvania back to the conference ahead , and by the time the gentlemen were lighting their cigars , some of the speculations being offered appeared to be as intimate as those exchanged prior to Mr Lewis 's arrival .
17 But please be careful , measure everything you hear about against scripture and do n't accept or take part in any therapy or practice without asking the Lord first .
18 But ‘ Out Of The Cradle ’ is n't just an acoustic album , as tracks like Countdown and Do n't Look Down illustrate .
19 Some people at school said look how Mother Francis never gives out to Eve , she 's the real pet ; others said the nuns had to keep her for charity and did n't like her as much as they liked the other girls whose families all contributed something to the upkeep of St Mary 's .
20 Try and get over the bumps. as well that , I go into work and do n't see Teresa that often you 'd think she 'd have the money ready on Friday morning would n't you ?
21 He got up , galloped to the kitchen for the champagne and Ruth held her head in despair and did n't want to be there !
22 Time is a powerful negotiation tool , use it wisely , which means stay in control and do n't waste time .
23 Some British cooker tops still tend to be niggardly in size and do n't make sufficient allowance for four large pans .
24 The owner of Hummingbird House might be a surprisingly artistic , cultured hedonist , but here was a man , she decided , who liked the good things in life and did n't care how he made the money to acquire them …
25 It 's ideal for birds with the high frequency voice , but for people they the speech is a bit lower in frequency and does n't work quite so well .
26 Father reached out for love and did n't want to let it go .
27 I 'll 'ave one o ’ them when I go to work and do n't forget to ask 'er if I can come again .
28 par but bad news for American Kristal Parker who we also saw earlier , she 's finished nine over par and does n't look as if she 'll be going through to the next stage .
29 We 're pretty flexible on site and do n't charge for swaps with anything available of similar value .
30 The attacks came without warning and did n't seem to be set off by any direct thought about being moved .
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