Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] the [noun sg] is that " in BNC.

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1 Of course the difference is that Rooney 's view — that it is wrong to knowingly give the patient a drug that will harm her — probably has universal support .
2 but then of course the reality is that that
3 It 's when the teachers think this is a boring , mundane , difficult thing to do , then that tends to be put over to the children and of course the disaster is that the children will believe it , and it if the children will believe it then we grow up in a highly technological society producing very few technologists or scientists .
4 It 's when the teachers think this is a boring , mundane , difficult thing to do , then that tends to be put over to the children and of course the disaster is that the children will believe it , and it if the children will believe it then we grow up in a highly technological society producing very few technologists or scientists .
5 How can it help me do my job ? point of view the reason is that it can help you do your job is very simply that to involve members of the public er local councils , local authorities , decision makers and allows the outcome to , to erm entertain them and to erm hope for and communicate what it is they 'll come erm in a non-threatening , non-selling , non-hard sell environment where they can come along , they can enjoy themselves and go away and form their own opinions without somebody over the head with what they 're try to sa trying to do erm
6 For all the talk of a tax backlash and attempts to cut state spending on welfare the irony is that both are now higher as shares of GDP in all OECD states compared with 1975 or 1980 .
7 Current high levels of unemployment can be accounted for without recourse to an explanation from technology ; consumer appetite for yet more goods and services still appears to be insatiable ; and even those economists who advance reasons why new technology might cause unemployment at some point in the future acknowledge that just at present the likelihood is that it will cause labour shortages rather than an overall labour surplus .
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