Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] there [verb] been [det] " in BNC.

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1 Of course there had been many Christmas parties after Maman went away , Aunt Tossie saw to that — but they were not memorable .
2 And of course there have been many moments when English art was very important on the Continent indeed .
3 Of course there have been some minor differences of opinion .
4 In the fifty years since the TA was last called up for war there have been many changes .
5 Leo had promised to ring me that evening in case there had been any news from the hospital ; and I told him my own news .
6 In addition there have been several other accidents where cars have collided with each others .
7 With the development of the NACAB policy of equal opportunities in recruitment there has been more awareness of this issue and considerable developments in recruitment practices have resulted .
8 It is part of the explosion of interest in music there has been this century .
9 In ophthalmology there have been some problems but a new consultant has been appointed thanks to increased funding made available by this government .
10 There has to date been no detailed investigation of the pronunciation of black native speakers of LE : in fact there have been few recent studies of LE pronunciation .
11 In fact there 's been some discussion of this lately , John Elston has argued that if jurors knew that that 's why they were chosen to go on the jury , it would destabilize the princi the practice of it because if you knew you were going on jury just for self-education rather than to get the right results out the other end , then this would n't give you any way of motivating yourself properly for the jury .
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