Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] would [verb] [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Bowbazaar links Calcutta 's business district with the hugely-crowded Sealdah suburban railway terminus and an explosion of this intensity during daytime would have killed hundreds of people , he said .
2 Applying the but for test would have produced this result .
3 Like Braid , the name of Vardon would have stirred local followers of the game .
4 Probably many urban employers in the new forms of manufacture would have liked more of their workers to have become self-disciplined Methodists , but it was the employers of the village-dwelling miners who could already appreciate the benefits by the beginning of the nineteenth century .
5 There was , and perhaps still is , a school of thought which asserted that armorial devices were assumed for identification in battle , but both research and common sense say this is probably wrong , for as so many knights chose arms of similar design , the mud , blood and turmoil of battle would have rendered such symbols on shields of little value , although the same can not , of course , be said about armorial banners or pennons bravely waving above rallying points or on the ends of lances .
6 What sort of character would have sustained this setting for six years , Theodora wondered , as she parked the car in the hedgerow and lifted the wicket gate six inches in order to swing it open .
7 Common law marriage or simple espousal allowed women to retain financial independence By definition , of course , women at the lower levels of society would have had fewer assets to control .
8 Ministers of Health would have incurred little or no extra criticism if they had failed to provide the services which the £25 million yielded by the prescription charges have made possible ; what criticism there was , would have been diffused over a hundred objects and none of it would have made a distinct impression on the mind of the electorate .
9 The slightest word of encouragement would have elicited wild cheering , I felt .
10 Even without the new technologies it seems unlikely that the macho-mean-streets style of journalism would have survived intact , given the Thatcherite focus on the spiritual ( and monetary ) values of hearth and home , together with soaring mortgage rates , the civilising influence of feminism and 80s ' health consciousness .
11 ‘ That sort of injury would have killed most women , ’ said Barry .
12 I think it was all in Kenneth 's mind and I think Kenneth 's hang-up about his backside and his obsession with cleanliness would have made physical love very difficult for him . ’
13 Only Paul Smith and Colin Harvey ( I thought his full-time job as Howard Kendall 's assistant at Everton would have kept him too busy to put pencil and crayon to paper ! ) got close to producing something workable , but even Smithy 's attempt in green would have fallen foul to Mr Clough 's watchful eye .
14 The last of these factors is the age of the pot , because its initial firing by the potter in antiquity would have ejected all the trapped electrons ( thus ‘ zeroing the TL clock ’ ) , from which time the electron population in deep traps would have steadily built up .
15 For example , when price inflation was running at about 12 per cent last summer , buying on HP would have meant monthly payments about 10 per cent higher than those needed to save up and buy the same thing later .
16 In the old days the subtle relationships which constituted the Establishment at work would have prevented any such developments taking place .
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