Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] we have [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 When Queenie talks about the increased expenditure on recreation from nineteen eighty to now , that 's quite right , there has been a huge increase in spending , and that 's because the Labour Council was committed to improving recreation facilities in the City , and it did n't continue the appalling record that the Conservative administration had had before of virtually no recreational facilities , it invested in recreation facilities — you listed them yourself — and of course those facilities have to be paid for and on when we have stood for election we 've always made it clear that we want to provide quality services , but of course that they have to be paid for , and so the second point that you then made was that , you know , our budget 's gone up beyond belief , well I mean this year it 's being cut by two million pounds , last year it was a standstill budget , and erm that has been done at a time when in fact Central Government has been transferring responsibilities from Central Government onto Local Government without increasing , indeed at the same time decreasing the amount of Central Government grant that 's gone to local councils .
2 For instance we have recently shown that colorectal cancers that contain c-Ki-ras mutations and over express p53 have a far worse prognosis than those showing either alteration on its own .
3 and of course we 've always had a different view about what morals are anyway all of us I mean once again if we went round the table and say you know expand on your moral position , I 'm sure we would get four probably ten actually different viewpoints .
4 And of course we 've always had closed circuit television at the underground car park in Gloucester Green , and I had it from the words of another Conservative Councillor , Councillor Ann Spokes , that she always uses Gloucester Green car park because it is so safe and so secure .
5 ‘ An albatross , as I was saying , is one of the rarest phenomena in golf , even rarer than a hole in one which of course we have also seen today .
6 We finally emerged on smiling white beaches , fringed with palms and the largest fleet of prahus we had ever seen .
7 In effect this was a period of withdrawal from a rigidly structured police world to a world turned upside down ; where , in a ‘ counter-cultural ’ way , we were to find that the strict terms of reference we had carefully built up over the years no longer seemed to have relevance .
8 The defense of conventionalism we have now constructed has two parts : first , that wise adjudication consists in finding the right balance between predictability and flexibility and , second , that the right balance is secured by judges always respecting past explicit decisions of political institutions but not enforcing decisions by default in the way unilateralism does .
9 We say this , not simply because of the weight of evidence we have just set down , but because of two additional factors of significance .
10 STEVE ALBINI is the sort of person we have always needed .
11 Many of the water companies are now considering installing meters so that they can charge us for the amount of water we have actually used .
12 At the time of writing we have yet to see what new drugs will come from this foundation .
13 ‘ We 've had to conquer every verst of territory we have ever gained .
14 It 's a domestic policy , hands off right and this was one of the arguments one of those potent arguments that they 've used in the last forty years right but it 's incredibly naive because any domestic policy will have an international dimension I remember the about European Community right but it was n't for the operation of the common agricultural policy countries in the European Community would be net importers of agricultural goods as we were ten years ago bec because er of protectionism we 've now increased our self sufficiency to the point where were a net exporter of agricultural goods what implications has th does that have for international trade ?
15 we go on hoping and fighting and imagining , despite whatever goes wrong with anybody but the Tory Party is diverting itself with internal feuds and in focusing attention on whether Mr Major will remain Prime Minister or not and this is presumably so that they may ignore the real issues of how to the get the country onto some shared basis of consensus , trust and pragmatic politics which would give our society a chance of facing up to questions of economics , politics , pollution and living together in community in the sort of world we 've actually got .
16 Despite the enormous amount of information we have already accumulated there remains a great deal to be learned and this is one of the special pleasures of animal-watching .
17 But I mean that 's the sort of thing we 've just got to deal with you know we ca n't do anything about that .
18 Because such a scenario is plausible the sort of nightmare we 've all contemplated at some time or another this movie makes for far more frightening entertainment than the most graphic of shock horrors .
19 Because such a scenario is plausible the sort of nightmare we 've all contemplated at some time or another this movie makes for far more frightening entertainment than the most graphic of shock horrors .
20 I said earlier that we want to involve all aspects of the educational system , and for example we have already written to every local authority in the country , telling them about the general themes that we have identified as important , asking for their comments , for their suggestions of other matters that we should perhaps look into , and also asking for their help and involvement .
21 In addition we have also investigated the ability of the HPV16/18 and HPV6/11 sequences to drive gene expression in both cervical and non-cervical cell types as well as to respond to the over-expression of Oct-1 .
22 In addition we have also investigated the involvement of platelet activating factor in the endothelin induced fibrinolytic activation .
23 In addition we have recently shown that in rats treatment with a synthetic prostaglandin E1 analogue ( Rioprostil ) protects the pancreas against cyclosporin A induced damage .
24 Sixty-five regardless bearing in mind we 've now offered women the opportunity to earn more money from the year two thousand and ten , and not retiring until sixty-five .
25 With an uncertain outlook for nineteen ninety three from our point of view it 's absolutely crucial to get costs in line we had obviously done cost-cutting during the previous two years , but we really needed to be sure that if revenues were not going to increase , we should n't wait for a recovery to bail us out .
26 As an indication of just how easy it can be to start using a Macintosh from scratch we have recently installed a network system running PageMaker , MacWrite and MacDraw on a previously PC-only site .
27 In fact we had never lost it .
28 Sarah Burge was a Barnardo child , who was photographed in eighteen eighty three — in fact we 've just passed the centenary , I realize , of this occasion — at eight years old , and I 've seen the photograph and it was , of course , used for fund raising purposes , but I wrote a poem to this obviously long dead girl .
29 In fact we 've just refused er the application er to change the use of that site to housing , or some of that site to housing , er for the very reason that we want to keep it in employment use and at the same meeting we also refused another site , another major employment site , erm and we want to keep that in employment use as well .
30 Erm so two pounds of that went with sale with the sale of the journal and so we can say we had twelve pounds unsolicited donations , erm as Peggy would back me up if she was here , saying that any time you ask someone to sign the flood gates open with what they thought about the position of pensioners , in fact we 've probably got a lot more signatures if they had n't , but erm , we did pick up , we , I picked up the news about Welwyn Garden City 's cost of and things like that not going through and erm , erm , now , our month our monthly , our monthly stall will not be on the third third Thursday this year , it will be on the fourth to co-inside with the week were celebrating pensioner 's week , which is a week behind National .
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