Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] and out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They make their way down through the courtyard past the concierge 's busy-lizzies and geraniums in their cluster of terracotta and out onto the street where the Mercedes and driver are double-parked squeezing the traffic to an irascible trickle .
2 As you might expect , though , it is difficult to stop the loss of energy and plasma along the magnetic lines of force and out of the ends of these machines .
3 Micky Hazard is out of favour and out of the team .
4 When it comes to achieving profit the PROFITBOSS keeps sex out of mind , out of sight and out of the way .
5 1992 has left them on the edge of relegation and out of the cup .
6 Darren Morris , 20 , from York , was ordered to keep Bronson under control and out of the city centre .
7 She claims that by putting our Body In Action * we can get into shape and out of the ‘ victim ’ role .
8 ‘ Managers were proud to lead their staff into dispute and out into the streets over the years ; unfortunately , very many of them became the pit bull terriers of 1992 ’ .
9 BEST to be in bed and out of the way before Mr Evans came home !
10 The disappearance of customs ' posts in that date between the member States had caused concern that there would be a haemorrhage of national treasures from country to country and out of the EEC itself .
11 It was a long and tiring journey across country and out to the remote airfield , and a wasted one it seemed .
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