Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] of [adj] [noun pl] on " in BNC.

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1 Purchase of stock of raw materials on credit terms .
2 For example , the problem of sequencing the production of n batches of paint of different colours on one machine , where is the cost of cleaning the machine when colour j is to follow colour i , can be formulated as a TSP .
3 Paris and Frankfurt are growing particularly fast ( capitalisation increases of 83 per cent and 64 per cent respectively during 1989 ) , with turnover of domestic equities on German Exchanges being larger than the ISE 's for the first time ever in 1989 .
4 The following spring the same duo , neither of whom had climbed since the previous autumn , was optimistically toying with the idea of opening the season with Dream of White Horses on Gogarth .
5 No more should be allowed as this may interfere with enjoyment of other abseilers on the same cliff .
6 The answer was mixed : virtually no scope at all for 155mm artillery shells ( which sent the MOD scurrying off in search of extra supplies on the world market ) ; but plenty for 120mm tank shells .
7 Returning to the car , those shaken by the mild adventure of the visit to Lost John 's Cave should get in and await any other members of the party who are inspired to go in search of other holes on Leck Fell .
8 In 1980 the government completely deregulated express buses and introduced some experiments in deregulation of local buses on the grounds that the protection induced inefficiency by the selected operators , and , by causing fares to be higher and services poorer than would otherwise be the case on the more profitable routes , accentuated the move to the car and the further decline of public transport .
9 At 24 she got a job in charge of public relations on the remote Selinaish Isle of Bute .
10 ‘ Unlike a lot of people , I thought Brideshead Revisited was very good , ’ Orwell remarked in a letter in July 1948 , ‘ in spite of hideous faults on the surface . ’
11 In spite of ecclesiastical prohibitions on usury , the Lancastrians and their predecessors had certainly borrowed at interest , often surreptitiously .
12 Moreover , in spite of massive changes on the key development sites , the environment of the East End , where most ordinary mortals live on council estates and streets in and around the busy A13 , or in Canning Town or in North Southwark , has changed little if at all .
13 In spite of stubborn efforts on my part , repeated on many occasions as I was determined to master this skill , I have never , never succeeded in doing it !
14 I mean , as councillor is aware in trying to move around this building there have been some changes in use of digital locks on some of the doors .
15 The seven leading candidates have shunned firm manifesto proposals in favour of vague attacks on foreign creditors or elites who benefit from Brazil 's crippling income disparities .
16 During the early and mid-1970s , however , the balance changed in favour of direct taxes on income as revenue providers for central government , due in part to inflation raising money incomes ( and therefore direct tax receipts ) and in part to fiscal drag .
17 He estimates he has spent a total of 20,000 hours in front of flickering images on a silver screen .
18 Police have received scores of complaints about dealers openly plying their trade in front of small children on street corners .
19 John Edmonds , general secretary of the GMB general union , said the trade union laws had been judged by the International Labour Organisation , a UN agency , to be in breach of international conventions on eight counts .
20 U Ohn Gyaw was promoted from Vice-Minister to Minister of Foreign Affairs on Sept. 18 , taking over the portfolio from SLORC Chairman and Prime Minister Gen. Saw Maung .
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