Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] have [vb pp] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Within Judaism and Christianity , Psalm 23 for instance has spawned many misunderstandings .
2 One reason why farm workers ' wages remain so comparatively low is that the demand for labour within agriculture has been declining as a result of mechanization-Indeed , the prospect of more expensive labour has often been sufficient to stimulate farmers to engage in a further round of mechanization so that both the supply and the demand for labour have chased each other down in an ever-decreasing spiral .
3 One pet theory of mine is that the decline in the study of Latin has accentuated this interest .
4 Other countries with more pluralist systems of provision have recognised this problem and dealt with it .
5 The research provides , through a lengthy national survey , detailed information on how the experience of recession has affected such matters as relations at the work-place , the structure of the labour market , de-skilling and the impact of new technology , the division of labour within the family and the effects of unemployment .
6 However , the all too familiar constraint of funding has prevented much progress to date .
7 ‘ Because of her role in reproduction , woman is regarded as a special case , a deviation from the norm represented by the male … since the 19th century the science of gynaecology has legitimised this view . ’
8 The reasons for this should not be obscured by the fact that the short term objectives of aid have undergone several changes over the last thirty years .
9 The evolving genre of SF has mirrored this concern .
10 Hall seems not to have fulfilled his promise to cost the winning designs , as Hunt , who presumably would have made the estimates , did not examine the plans , and there is no evidence of Hall having reported this information back to Parliament .
11 Violent blasts of rain had accompanied these rages of wind , and the day just closed as I sat down to read had been the worst day of all .
12 It inquires whether the conception of community has undergone any change as a consequence of the crowd phenomenon .
13 Long years of poverty had filled those words with a special resonance ; to use them now brought out again the risk-all abandon of those times , before responsibility had taught her caution .
14 HITHERTO historians of Chemistry have paid little attention to German developments .
15 Such calculations are difficult , due to difficulties in obtaining data on income or wealth distribution among age groups , and this aspect of distribution has received little study .
16 The Swiss outbreak is puzzling scientists , who can find no evidence that any of the 28 cows that have died so far of BSE have eaten any food originating in another European country , the usual route of infection .
17 Twenty-two years of war had honed that skill to near perfection , and as a result a mother in France would soon be weeping .
18 Those developments in stylistics which have taken place recently such as the appropriation of discourse analysis , politeness theory and other aspects of pragmatics have had little impact on this book , although they could readily be subsumed under the heading " literary language " .
19 In other words it is the development of literate modes of communication that provides the basis for making a distinction between two kinds of society , and those modes themselves have determining effects : if some societies are more ‘ scientific ’ and ‘ logical ’ than others , it is not on account of the nature of their thought processes but because their acquisition of literacy has released these capacities .
20 His pain had receded a little , as though this latest bout of agony had overloaded some circuits of his brain 's pain-response centre .
21 Measures of inflation have proliferated this spring , so a figure can be found to support virtually any position .
22 In contrast to the owls , the significance of diurnal birds of prey as accumulators of bone has received little attention .
23 The need to raise the quality of education has received much publicity over the last few years .
24 A laissez-faire approach of non-intervention has had few adherents in the past , since most economists have accepted that theory and evidence do suggest that matters can not be left entirely to the market .
25 The confusion of private and personal property as the subject of criticism has led most people , who for good reason wish to defend property with which they are intimately associated also to defend institutions which may result in their alienation from such property .
26 Even after the Renaissance and the rebirth of learning had reached these shores ears were still having a rough ride .
27 This has been the practice certainly since 1787 when the American Constitution was drafted , and as the years passed no doubt imitation and the force of example have led all countries to think it necessary to have a Constitution .
28 After having spent over $2 billion , the US Department of Defense has made some progress toward that goal .
29 Their knowledge of society had taught these men that there was a huge audience that wanted to laugh and that comedians had to strain every nerve and to try every joke in order to release that laughter .
30 Philosophically , we can not provide any absolute epistemological underpinning for our knowledge endeavours ; and , sociologically , higher education and its manifold forms of thought have lost any pretensions to occupying an independent position in relation to the modern state .
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