Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] have [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sustainability 's recommendations for action have also come under scrutiny , since they do not cover some of the deficiencies identified in the report , including the low-level of recycled materials use , and the company 's preference for road , rather than rail , as means of product transport .
2 Most Soviet citizens , however , appeared to have remained loyal to their native language in their domestic and family life , and there was little sign of the disappearance of at least the major Soviet languages , most of which were still spoken by the great majority of the nationalities in question ( the 1979 census found that 62 per cent of non-Russians were fluent in that language , but that 93 per cent of the population identified their national language as their native one ; the 1989 census found that the reported level of knowledge of Russian had actually fallen among at least two national groups , the Uzbeks and Lithuanians ) .
3 The drainage system over some sections of route has also had to be refurbished or renewed .
4 The demands of responsibility had already closed upon Dave and Laura .
5 However , ‘ arises ’ is ambiguous and his later examples suggest , on the contrary , that a form of self-awareness has already arisen with the behaviour .
6 And the shires are still there fairly strong , still er some of course has now gone onto the rare breeds .
7 I tried going through the undergrowth and looping round — my sense of direction had far improved from peacetime — but the saw-toothed grasses left me bleeding like a scored steak .
8 On March 22 , 1991 , a special parliamentary commission claimed that 10 current members of parliament had actively collaborated with the StB forces .
9 The process of industrialization and the accelerated growth of the division of labour had already wrested from the family , including its rural variant , its monopolistic role in the processes of production .
10 I think many of the worst aspects of rock have now resurfaced in rave : the macho , aggressive energy .
11 For all its antipathy to the new racism of the New Right , the common sense ideology of antiracism has also drifted towards a belief in the absolute nature of ethnic categories and a strong sense of the insurmountable cultural and experiential divisions which , it is argued , are a feature of racial difference .
12 There was a true feeling of achievement attached to our little ‘ I skied down a mountain' certificate , and a bit of weight had definitely dropped from the thighs on to the slopes .
13 This programme of research has already brought to light unnoticed phenomena of children 's different abilities to communicate in the classroom .
14 In many cities the price of firewood has nearly doubled in the past six years .
15 The pattern of shopping has also changed in that the shopper has , for most goods , been prepared to dispense with the personal service of the shopkeeper , and self-service and self-selection have been readily accepted in the interests of lower overheads and more competitive prices .
16 This process of self-observation has already matured from the assimilation of media images , which are often more strongly inforced than the female role-models in everyday life .
17 This small act of concealment had partly stemmed from the fact that she herself had never had money .
18 It was the same in the vineyards there : production of wine had almost ceased during the war years ; acres had been decimated by disease ; attempts at post-war wine production had been sporadic and ill-organised .
19 Everything of importance has always happened to me in the autumn , every new departure has always presented itself within a dying context .
20 Not one piece of evidence has ever come to light to suggest that red kites attack live sheep or lambs .
21 Recent problems relating to European import quota abuse by Chinese producers of cashmere have undoubtedly added to the industry 's problems .
22 Such responses inevitably raise the question of how much effect nearly four weeks of canvassing has really had on the voters .
23 I would add only that the cost of insurance in Belgium , where I was general manager of a major insurance company for nine years , is much higher than in Britain , and the rate of inflation has now steadied after a major explosion when these factors were introduced .
24 A feeling of nausea had suddenly come over her .
25 In the past , when warring factions had been rife on the island , families of breeding had automatically sent at least one son to train in the Halls of Valiance in the western region of Gleberune and , as a consequence , generous donations had showered into the Valiance coffers .
26 Stewart and Tait began with the idea that the great majority of mankind had always believed in some fashion in life after death .
27 Carter remained loyal to the 1960s ethos , and there 's an elegiac tone to some of these pieces that suggests the necessary work of iconoclasm had already passed into other hands .
28 Something akin to the contemporary pattern of hooliganism has long existed in Glasgow as a result of Irish Catholic immigration and militant working-class Scottish Protestantism .
29 Any radical critic of society has always come from an unattached group of artists and intellectuals .
30 Investment by type of asset has also changed since 1979 .
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