Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [Wh det] [pers pn] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Count Raymond dared not risk battle against Richard 's massive army ; nor did the pleas for help which he sent to King Philip meet with any response .
2 In the letter of resignation which he conveyed to the Constitutional Council on Jan. 11 , Chadli revealed that he had dissolved ( on Jan. 4 as it later transpired ) by presidential decree the National Popular Assembly .
3 There 's far more interesting activity taking place in Brighton than there is in any other single borough area of the whole of the South East region , and that 's reflected in the amount of money which we give to activities in the Brighton area .
4 At the beginning of August when the heat , humidity and despair reached their zenith in the Residency , when all eyes searched the Collector 's face for the signs of collapse which they knew to be imminent , two babies were born .
5 After trying every aquatic shop in the area , I decided to write directly to the manager of Trilcot and within a week I was able to collect an excellent piece of wood which they sent to a nearby store .
6 The Washington-based Public Citizen group alleged that GATT 's intention of lowering what it referred to as " technical barriers to trade " could allow foreign governments to flout US laws on environmental standards .
7 It might dilute the real body of work which I felt to be making some kind of contribution .
8 Her subsequent unhappy reaction caused him to regret that he had inadvertently damaged her self-esteem by destroying part of her image of self which she presented to the world .
9 Pietro Miletti opened his briefcase and took out a sheet of paper which he offered to the magistrate .
10 Myers had just entered , carrying a piece of paper which he handed to Talbot .
11 He jerked his poncho up , felt about in the pocket of his filthy jeans and produced a screwed-up bit of paper which he handed to Ward with a few muttered words .
12 The fact that certain regions in the UK have come to depend on declining industries explains in part the regional disparities of unemployment which we referred to in Chapter 3 .
13 The Society of London Art Dealers ( SLAD ) has just issued its diamond jubilee yearbook where it outlines the conditions and terms of sale which it recommends to its members .
14 That 's right , erm always make sure that the injured parts are well supported bandages should be firm enough to do the job and large enough to cover the wound all of this is the sort of thing which you need to be referring back to if you 're in any doubt .
15 At one point , Paul Fox the managing director of BBC TV threw forth into the welter of conversation what I took to be the following line : ‘ Well , what do we all think of yesterday 's historic meeting , eh ?
16 Many older people may consider any limitations of activity which they experience to be a result of old age rather than a chronic health problem .
17 For a start , it does n't cover the aspect of emptiness which I consider to be of most relevance to anorexia nervosa , that is , its peculiar meaning for females rather than males .
18 The Court of Appeal is not bound to follow an interlocutory decision made by two judges of the Court of Appeal which it considers to be wrong ( Boys v.
19 In the same conversational turn , he changes the topic to a lengthy , rhapsodic utterance on the flexing motion of the aircraft 's wings : Anderson 's sudden topic-change and subsequent change of register in the very lyrical statement about McKendrick 's cigarette smoke , is partly explained by the fear of flying which he admits to here , and which is indicated just before the topic-change in Stoppard 's stage directions — " …
20 He had that sense of fact which he considered to be more useful ‘ than nine-tenths of the most pretentious critical journalism ’ .
21 You 'll find that the vast majority of competent people in any field of science , culture or management are connected with Civic Forum ; all areas indeed apart from religion which we leave to the church .
22 These ‘ loans ’ ( which is in effect what they amount to ) can also be invested over the winter and spring period at considerable gain to the operator .
23 The younger said in Arabic what I assumed to be , ‘ Hey , have you seen this ? ’
24 So we have in fact taken on board what we consider to be the market demand issue .
25 Leavis did to Blackadder what he did to serious students ; he showed him the terrible , the magnificent importance and urgency of English literature and simultaneously deprived him of any confidence in his own capacity to contribute to , or change it .
26 I may have seen many Garter Snakes on sale which I took to be pattern variations on the species most commonly available .
27 As I had come to know a number of rectors and vicars in the course of my journeys , for reasons which I have mentioned , Eliot questioned me about what he felt might he a mounting danger , namely that the Church might seek to increase by chauvinism what it appeared to be losing in spirituality : and indeed the vicar of my own village had been upbraided by a group of parishioners for not preaching sermons directly furthering the war effort , which Eliot said was tantamount to making him into an unpaid official of the MOI .
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