Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [noun sg] [conj] [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 how they do it , you know , for er , for income tax and what have you , and of course one , one blamed the other
2 If you are looking for respite care for short periods , or convalescent care , you may qualify for some help through Income Support if you have less than £8,000 in savings .
3 . We have actually erm got a number of leaflets and brochures on play equipment but erm as was mentioned at the last meeting I was going to get together with David and the clerk to discuss future plans for play equipment but we have n't actually had a meeting yet cos we 're still getting information from various reps and playground equipment companies and erm we 'll leave that item for now .
4 No one had risked more for tariff reform than he had in 1923 .
5 General Schwarzkopf demanded that JSTARS be rushed into service for Desert Storm after he had seen the system tested in a NATO exercise .
6 Finally , you can plan ahead and continue with some sort of contingency contract when you have attained your ideal weight .
7 The Law Commission , commenting on Scott J 's interpretation of section 142 , concluded that , if correct , it would be a considerable extension of liability under the privity of contract principle as it has been generally understood .
8 We have recently replaced the lard in our buns with a smaller quantity of vegetable oil and we have also altered the composition of our sauces .
9 Unless there is drastic action based on the Woolf report , rather than the sort of band-aid solution that we have heard about today , I fear that there will be an increase in disturbances , especially if there is yet another unexpected surge in the prison population .
10 Nowhere is this more so than in the sub-division of crime fiction that I have labelled the " crime novel " .
11 As I escorted him , none too gently , to the door , I thanked my lucky stars for the hours of self-defence training that I had undergone , at my father 's insistence , from the age of twelve onwards .
12 The distinctive orange , yellow and black bike was a Christmas present for the youngster , but he has been so weak because of chemotherapy treatment that he has been able unable to ride it .
13 The heads reported an increase in the level of job satisfaction that they had experienced due to devolution — although one said he had n't had time to think about it !
14 They just stopped him from choking the life out of bobby Carter because he had said everybody was for the war : if we did n't show them Russians what was what , who would ?
15 President Michael Ainslie noted ‘ a greater level of consignment activity than we have seen for some time .
16 Yeah I , I er thought about self defence but I keep thinking about things like that 's fine but if someone has a knife or a gun , the one might of self defence that I have been trained on or taught in can possibly help and I ca n't really see it as being very very helpful because
17 It is unlikely that Eliot would have taken the trouble to defend Kipling against the charge of race superiority if he had believed in it himself .
18 Since then I 've been in contact with Kate Noble of Age Concern and we 've arranged for her to give a short presentation at the next meeting of Nether Wyresdale Parish Council on Thursday 21st January at 7.30 p.m. in Scorton School .
19 Young people are best able to withstand the danger of alcohol abuse if they have been taught :
20 That rather vitiates the traditional nature of Cabinet government if you have a strong-minded figure ending discussions in this way .
21 Among the young couples moving into the area were those who had dropped out of church life when they had left home to go to university , or when they got married .
22 Right well it will give you er I will go away and work these plans out but one that comes to mind is where there 's er a life cover but it 's a low level of life cover so you have more of an investment erm more of th more of your contributions goes towards the investment so that you get the bigger return in the ten years when you need it .
23 more information I mean this is , I mean this is part of what I was talk mythology I mean we 're talking about the index survey so when I raised the example of Churchill and the Churchill ex example is , was a good one because I mean he was an intellectual in his way , you know I mean he was a big bright cookie and but his was in terms of word count because he had a use of words for the way he used his words was how ordinary people would understand him I mean if you go back to you know we will fight them on the beaches and everything else I mean you think of the number of syllables he used in those words etcetera , etcetera I mean that 's sort of what I 'm getting to I mean he had his sharp succinct approach you know
24 Well , it 's a rather complicated thing but I think we need the cameras and I think we must go ahead and get them into so that we can see if they work as well in in terms of road safety as they have in trials elsewhere , because the results that have been obtained in London and also in Cornwall and Nottingham have been very very impressive , as you know .
25 Shawcross raises these questions within the context of disaster relief but they have a broader setting .
26 That 's just the kind of gut feeling that I have .
27 They usually make a sort of ear sound if they 've got I mean
28 He knows I 've no more outgrown the excesses of stadium rock than he has .
29 Lord Lovat attempted , without success , to replace one of his clansmen in his office of land waiter after he had been removed by the commissioners , without investigation , following a complaint that he had spoken disrespectfully of a supervisor .
30 ‘ But as I keep trying to tell you , publishing is not that easy to get into — especially at your sort of salary level when you 've no experience . ’
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