Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [coord] [vb mod] [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 The teacher will be unprepared for change and will not have the flexibility needed to adapt to new situations …
2 Further evidence , calculated to show that in so expressing its will , the House was duped , mistaken or careless , would run the risk of falling foul of privilege and would therefore have to be eschewed .
3 So far as possible , in the collection of all field data , the reader should be able to check the validity of reporting and should not have to trust the reporter too much .
4 The appointment of Mr Stevens was a classic case of promoting a man beyond his level of competence and could not have happened if there had not been deep distrust in official circles of people who know what they are talking about .
5 Furthermore , it could just be that his union might contain diverse political factions within it which , thanks to years of forced and unenforced apartheid , have come to permeate every fabric of society and may well have forced SARU into an on-going powerplay with SARB .
6 It 's a fact of life and may well have triggered this particular incident .
7 Single parents are a fact of life and should not have to feel ashamed .
8 Very often during training , a student will be rather short of height but will just have sufficient for a normal approach .
9 Today 's four withdrawals , coming on top of earlier drop-outs by Sheffield Wednesday 's Paul Warhurst and Arsenal 's Alan Smith , leave Taylor short of cover but will not have too drastic an effect on his team strategy for the Group Two game .
10 They should be designed with the needs of cycle traffic in mind and should normally have the right of way at crossroads .
11 Every order made in such a cause or matter by an English court , is an order in a criminal cause or matter , even though the order , taken by itself , is neutral in character and might equally have been made in a cause or matter which is not criminal .
12 For the other to remain other it must not derive its meaning from History but must instead have a separate time which differs from historical time .
13 N.B. Whatever happens , the one virtual certainty is that people already in their mid-fifties have no cause for concern and would not have to postpone their retirement !
14 The subscription provided an alternative to flattery and must surely have seemed to her the most manageable form of dependence .
15 She had not imagined Miss Grimes spending six-and-six a week on drink and might well have taken the attitude of the officious social worker .
16 She spoke as if Ruth had been away on holiday and must therefore have abounding strength and energy .
17 In Malesia , they seem to have made use of the limestone caves for shelter and may well have forced the orang-utans of the region to live further up in the canopy , for it is certainly true that in the Pleistocene , the orang-utans were much more terrestrial in habit .
18 Volcanic effects have been even more sudden and disastrous , ranging from the explosion of the island of Krakatoa , between Java and Sumatra , in 1883 to the even more catastrophic eruption of Santorini ( or Thira ) in the Aegean about 1470 B.C. This eruption , or series of eruptions , which resulted in the huge collapsed caldera in the sea beside the present island , must have been the greatest catastrophe ever witnessed by man and may well have been heard as far away as Britain .
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