Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [coord] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But in reality the amount and type of support which kin give each other varies with the particular historical circumstances within which family relationships are played out , so that looking at patterns of support at different points in time means that one is not comparing like with like in quite significant ways : there is variation both in people 's need for support and in the capacity of relatives to provide it .
2 The policy of austerity and a strong franc , which he had so staunchly defended for the best part of a decade ( and which had earned him such praise abroad ) , was being blamed within France for recession and for the record level of unemployment ( it broke through the symbolic 3m mark the day he handed over the reins of government ) .
3 A disinfectant is a chemical product used for disinfection and despite the association of the term with hospitals , toilets and drains disinfection is a vital part of modern food practice .
4 At the end of the garden were the two chicken houses , a run for daytime and to the right the sleeping quarters with a tiny window about a foot square .
5 I am sure that the hon. and learned Gentleman knows the considerable steps that have been taken by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Defence and by the Minister of State for the Armed Forces to deal with the aftermath of that tragic incident .
6 But he said that this case is not about money but about the contract which effectively it 's argued is a restraint of trade .
7 Further , the growth of Federal expenditure , in support for agriculture and in the expansion of the aerospace and defence industries ( see above ) have all favoured the South .
8 In the afternoon we visited the Priory ruins where we prayed for unity and for the Decade of Evangelisation and finished off with a lusty rendition of Faith of our Fathers !
9 From the responses just deduced for the first three Chebyshev orders it may be appreciated that , for all orders , the transfer function ripples between unity and in the pass band .
10 At the hearing there is a right of audience for counsel or for the agent — usually exercised only by counsel , and indeed sometimes the parliamentary agent is not even involved at the inquiry stage .
11 The role of women in the English Civil Wars is interesting , because the fact that nearly everyone in the country took sides either for Parliament or for the King , and all able-bodied men would be recruited and this meant that women were left without protection , and had to survive somehow .
12 There was therefore no further step for the justices to take in the process of committing Mr. Bell for trial or in the conduct of his trial .
13 I was just going to say , I was just saying , that I saw the posters that erm parents and carers should erm , go along to talk about parenting and at the bottom it said , erm , will be selling multi-racial toys and dolls and things like that .
14 Whilst the maintenance of professional standards must remain paramount , competition is increasing as a result both of clients demanding evidence of value for money and of the number of professional practices anxious to increase the size of their slice of the cake .
15 This research is concerned with commonsense ideas about emotion and with the way people act upon information about their emotional state .
16 Distinctions exist both in the kinds of problems that are selected for study and in the manner in which they are tackled .
17 It would be nice to know who these nobles were ; or even to know whether the chronicler 's choice of phrase was due to ignorance or a desire for brevity or for the sake of discretion .
18 As we have seen , the securely married mother playing the role and staying at home has no social security entitlement ; let her ‘ break the rules ’ and leave her husband and she can draw £14 a week for herself , besides allowances for rent and for the children .
19 He set barns on fire , was up before the magistrates for theft and by the time he was thirteen he was stealing cars .
20 Carol went back to the others and Linda cast one quick final look at her preparations for tea and for the dinner tomorrow .
21 Sir Kenneth invited him round for tea and by the time he had left Andrews had been given the huge task of designing a fulllength ballet involving set changes and 300 costumes .
22 They come for companionship and for the chance to enjoy a wide range of activities .
23 Employers also make gains and losses ( the areas below the demand for labour and above the wage line ) .
24 Instead , the satisfaction was to be derived from being prepared for labour and in the performance of tasks , conscious of their relation to a greater whole .
25 Buyers are usually the people fearful of their contract being overreached who register an estate contract , but sometimes lessors will register , or require a lessee to register an option for renewal or for the purchase of the reversion contained in the lease , lest they be pursued under their covenant if , in the meantime , the reversion has been sold before an estate contract has been registered .
26 This was provisionally arranged for early May 1994 , after Easter but before the ACTS gathering on 25 June .
27 is to be indicated , especially if inclined to get worse after midnight or in the morning hours , and the less it is likely Spongia will be the remedy .
28 There was no time or energy for anyone to do anything but get through the long gruelling hours and fall into bed , usually after midnight and on the night before the opening , at three in the morning .
29 It therefore lacks the precise single end point of studies of survival after infarction but for the patient who survives an acute coronary attack questions such as whether he will be able to return to work and earn his living , to lead an active family life and to enjoy his leisure pursuits are of the greatest importance .
30 Well , I think we may actually be able to get some of it actually with support towards it , if we play it right , because other things are particularly important that we support organizations which are trying to solve the problem of women returning to work when they have children , and to cre so that they can create the mechanisms that the children can be looked after , after school and during the school holidays .
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