Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [pers pn] is [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 In our speaking and listening programmes of study it is therefore recommended specifically as a learning medium .
2 If tannin occurs built onto a layer of scale it is best treated as acid soluble Dirt attachment :
3 By a similar slip of logic it is sometimes presumed in such discussions that voluntary bodies are the only or the main beneficiaries of voluntary help and cash aid .
4 After a flurry of litigation it is now settled that stipulations as to time in a rent review clause are prima facie not of the essence ( United Scientific Holdings Ltd v Burnley BC [ 1977 ] 2 All ER 62 ) ; nor is an obligation to prepare service charge accounts ( West Central Investments Ltd v Borovik ( 1977 ) 241 EG 609 ) .
5 For continuity it is also required that and , so d 1 and d 2 are constrained to the range .
6 For example it is well known that asthma and eczema are linked but what is frequently overlooked is the way that a person 's asthma can be bad at a time when their eczema is quiet and their eczema can be its worst when the asthma is quiet .
7 For example it is generally accepted that , since the real-balance effect concerns the net wealth of the private sector , indebtedness arising from within the private sector should be excluded from the definition of NW .
8 Thus for example it is sometimes held to be of significance that the first appearance of the resurrected Christ is said to have been to a woman .
9 Denial is found in any situation of acute stress and is , for example it is commonly seen in bereavement , redundancy , dismissal , divorce and in major disease or injury .
10 Alternatively , where a local plan is in existence it is usually stated policy to confine certain types of industry to particular areas , restricting land use in and around residential areas to that of a ‘ light industrial ’ nature within Class III of the Town and Country Planning ( Use Classes ) Order 1972 ; defined as :
11 While there is no regulation that specifically excludes due diligence work on a listed company , in practice it is rarely undertaken due to the rules on equality of information to be given not only to all shareholders but also to offerors or bona fide potential offerors .
12 Deceptively , because in practice it is rarely accomplished and only in a few cases have polymer blends or mixtures achieved industrial importance .
13 The analysis of required skills ought in principle to have an ergonomics input but in practice it is usually done on the basis of experience of similar system designs in the past .
14 The term ‘ further education ’ ( FE ) is used sometimes in a general sense to cover all post-school education , but in practice it is usually differentiated from higher education ( study at universities , polytechnics and colleges of higher education ) , and divided into the categories of non-advanced further education ( NAFE ) , which means A-level standard or below , and advanced further education ( AFE ) which is above A level or its equivalent .
15 The distinction , though in practice it is often blurred , in theory is clear .
16 The most important ingredient in the construction stage is time but , although this is sometimes a source of worry at the beginning , in practice it is often found that this stage is less time-consuming than the planning stages .
17 In industry it is usually done with portable meters which measure the electrical resistance between two needles pressed into the wood and thus give the answer much more quickly .
18 Scalars and vectors are in fact the simplest types of tensors , and from SR it is well known that if an equality can be proved between vectors ( or scalars ) in one inertial frame then the equality remains true under Lorentz transformations to other inertial frames .
19 In theory it is typically assumed that we are concerned with the distribution of taxes and benefits among individuals according to their ability to pay ( the normative basis for this is not discussed here — see Lecture 11 ) ; in empirical work , this is typically taken to mean measured money income .
20 In this sense , one of the components of the personality is regarded as being inherently ‘ aggressive ’ , except that in life it is normally held in check by the mind .
21 However medical audit should be seen as part of a total approach to quality even if in reality it is often separated out .
22 In fact it is often described as one of the worst jobs possible .
23 Her husband is from a good family ; in fact he is distantly connected with the Crane-Boulder 's family , but … but he was the youngest son , and you know what positions go to the younger sons . ’
24 From these definitions you will see that crime and delinquency are one form of deviance ( strictly speaking , delinquency refers to anti-social and illegal behaviour , but in sociology it is usually linked with ‘ juvenile ’ and used to refer to the criminality and misconduct of youths ) .
25 When reconnaissance shows that there is a large herd of elephants with young calves close to camp it is often decided to try to capture some of the young elephants first by means of mela shikar .
26 This vanilla- coloured gel-emulsion has a slightly fruity scent ; on application it is instantly absorbed by the skin , causing an extraordinary chilling sensation .
27 Rational arguments and the need for money may keep it submerged but from time to time it is so inflamed that it can no longer be suppressed .
28 At present it is simply pumped into storage tanks for monitoring , and subsequently discharged into the open sea .
29 This is the part where there is a surfaced footway or pavement but at present it is so overgrown that pedestrians have to walk on the road .
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