Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [pers pn] [is] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Kersey said : ‘ So Matthew married Alfred ’ girlfriend after getting her pregnant ; not exactly fraternal conduct , but as a motive for murder it 's surely worn a bit thin after thirty years . ’
2 asked about tea it 's not happening .
3 If this all seems like another blow for bureaucracy it is not intended to be so .
4 But , yes , here we go , trimly hatted , finely shod , with the Gazette tucked under the arm , past the little driveways ( THICKLY SETTLED ) , the lettered mailboxes ( Wells , Cohen , Rezika , Meleagrou , Klodzinski , Schering-Kahlbaum and I do n't know what-all ) , the quiet ambition of every homestead ( Please Respect Owner 's Rights ) , the kid-filled buses and the yellow sign saying SLOW — CHILDREN and the black shape of that precipitate youngster with his clutched schoolbag ( of course he 's not looking .
5 ‘ But I think the way we played at Leeds he was something of a luxury sometimes — there were times when even his team mates did n't know what he woeld do next ’ ‘ It 's different at Scumchester United where they really do play through him — AND OF COURSE HE 'S ALSO SURROUNDED BY BETTER PLAYERS ’ …
6 ‘ No , of course she 's not engaged .
7 But of course it is only reassuring if the person can be relied on to be there whenever the need arises — and you can be sure that that is bound to be during the last class hour on the longest teaching day of the week .
8 As er the officer was saying it 's a briefing document prepared before the raid , therefore of course it 's not covered by public interest immunity .
9 So , then she said , oh right , I 'll get on your desk just to check that it 's alright , so she got , took my work essays off , and she got on my desk and then I said , oh I 'll help you down , so she sat on my desk to get off and of course it 's not attached
10 It 's so difficult to add up the the hours , but I mean it 's a number of days of course it 's not working solidly you know , maybe only for an up an hour or an hour .
11 ‘ With this one there was very little injury and as well as that she was quite a big girl and it may very well be that at the end of the day we could say that she did n't resist to the last and if she did n't then of course it 's not rape it 's a different crime , indecent assault . ’
12 So you know quarter to a third and er it 's not got a lot of land with it and of course it 's not mentioned a great deal in directories .
13 I mean , of course it 's always done that , but now , with you telling me to look at it , this seems the most noteworthy feature , this clench . ’
14 In our speaking and listening programmes of study it is therefore recommended specifically as a learning medium .
15 We spent a lot of time with different amps and different pickups and different guitars , because if you 're playing a major chord on a guitar with a lot of distortion it is n't going to sound good — it 's going to sound like a big mush .
16 If tannin occurs built onto a layer of scale it is best treated as acid soluble Dirt attachment :
17 By a similar slip of logic it is sometimes presumed in such discussions that voluntary bodies are the only or the main beneficiaries of voluntary help and cash aid .
18 Vet , Neil Forbes says it was the worse case of starvation he 's ever seen .
19 After a flurry of litigation it is now settled that stipulations as to time in a rent review clause are prima facie not of the essence ( United Scientific Holdings Ltd v Burnley BC [ 1977 ] 2 All ER 62 ) ; nor is an obligation to prepare service charge accounts ( West Central Investments Ltd v Borovik ( 1977 ) 241 EG 609 ) .
20 For continuity it is also required that and , so d 1 and d 2 are constrained to the range .
21 My tutor was saying to me that when he did his degree twenty odd years ago , he knew everything there was to know about chemistry , but because it 's growing , because it 's new , you 've always got to keep up with it , whereas history does n't change , does it , apart from you add a bit on to what happened last year ; with chemistry it 's constantly changing , you 've always got something new to learn , you never stop really .
22 For example it is well known that asthma and eczema are linked but what is frequently overlooked is the way that a person 's asthma can be bad at a time when their eczema is quiet and their eczema can be its worst when the asthma is quiet .
23 For example it is generally accepted that , since the real-balance effect concerns the net wealth of the private sector , indebtedness arising from within the private sector should be excluded from the definition of NW .
24 For example it is not known if landlords will be prevented from making unfair rent rises to cover what they claim is the cost of the Council Tax .
25 Thus for example it is sometimes held to be of significance that the first appearance of the resurrected Christ is said to have been to a woman .
26 Denial is found in any situation of acute stress and is , for example it is commonly seen in bereavement , redundancy , dismissal , divorce and in major disease or injury .
27 Alternatively , where a local plan is in existence it is usually stated policy to confine certain types of industry to particular areas , restricting land use in and around residential areas to that of a ‘ light industrial ’ nature within Class III of the Town and Country Planning ( Use Classes ) Order 1972 ; defined as :
28 In addition it is not known whether the influence of nutritional treatment on the disease process is as beneficial in nourished as in undernourished patients .
29 While there is no regulation that specifically excludes due diligence work on a listed company , in practice it is rarely undertaken due to the rules on equality of information to be given not only to all shareholders but also to offerors or bona fide potential offerors .
30 Deceptively , because in practice it is rarely accomplished and only in a few cases have polymer blends or mixtures achieved industrial importance .
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