Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [conj] [adv] [vb -s] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ County Turf ’ from the SLR CRICKET COMPANY ( ) offers good value for money and also provides an excellent surface for youngsters to learn the game .
2 Avoid specimens that are swimming off the aquarium bottom as this is a sign of distress and usually means an imbalance of water has occurred at some stage of the export/importation process .
3 In this area he builds first a small depression by removing mouthfuls of sand and then produces a nest from weeds which are coated with a sticky substance so that they can be moulded with his snout .
4 Unfortunately , legal title rarely evidences an absolute right of ownership but only indicates an entitlement better than that of the next person .
5 Anyone who drinks 2½ pints of beer or ½ bottle of wine and then drives a car is almost certainly breaking the law unless he waits patiently for the liver to reduce blood alcohol levels .
6 Lonesome Snapper Pond is the kind of place that still has a general store .
7 The third man , David Harper , who 's 21 , has also been cleared of arson but still faces a charge of manslughter , arising from the deaths of twin sisters Rebecca and Emma Harper , aged 17 , who died in a barn fire near Cheltenham in Gloucestershire , last year .
8 As always when she sang this song her eyes were moist , and when she had finished the applause did not come immediately , but there was that magic moment of silence that sometimes links a performer and an audience .
9 This is written for students of linguistics but also offers a good introduction for the general reader .
10 New technology may represent a cost saving on older forms of treatment but still represents a cost push in overall terms by extending the boundaries of those who could potentially benefit .
11 Stone recurrence after bile acid therapy occurs in approximately 50% of patients within five years of treatment and then reaches a plateau of 61% by the 11th year .
12 This was consistently commended by advisory staff throughout the period under review and still remains a central component of expected practice ( for example , Leeds City Council 1989a , 1989e , 1990a , 1990c ) .
13 The Unit is recognised as an important centre for sociological research in the sciences , particularly the natural sciences , but it is interdisciplinary in character and also provides an appropriate location for historical and philosophical research in this area .
14 But since that time , his name has grown in stature and now represents a multi-million pound business the globe .
15 This nurse may first see the patient in the Outpatient Clinic prior to admission and usually offers a counselling service for as long as necessary post-operatively .
16 What will we do when someone misses out on asylum but clearly has a case , albeit one that falls short of asylum , which is not bogus ?
17 ‘ did wilfully , openly , lewdly and obscenely ’ This point means , without concealment and usually involves an erect penis as opposed to a man merely urinating .
18 The now almost naked lizard scampers away to safety and quickly regrows a new outer covering .
19 He can switch tactics on demand and also has a good left jab , with a wicked right cross his most fearsome weapon .
20 Adorno speaks from the vantage-point of modernism ( though , as we have seen , he arguably gives this too monolithic an interpretation ) : his ideal is an individual critique , which is negative in relation to society but also constitutes a positive synthesis — an alternative .
21 How would you apply the principles of horizontal and vertical equity in deciding how much to tax two people , each capable of doing the same work , but one of whom chooses to devote more time to sun-bathing and therefore has a lower income ?
22 5 Format QM — Lets you format lots of floppies without fuss and even puts a picture up on-screen while it does it .
23 She became close to both women and , although she still saw her mother from time to time and still has a very strong relationship with her that has not been diminished by the divorce , a special bond was forged with the two older women .
24 The bank provides many services for their customers besides keeping their money safe ; it provides convenient means of making payments by cheque and also submits a clear statement of their customer 's account at fixed intervals .
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