Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 The police service themselves recognize that there has to be a a need for change that they have to be brought up to date er and er I think you 'll see when I a announce my decisions on the Sheahy report er that er I am taking the need to er reform the police service , very seriously indeed .
2 She was hardworking and industrious , and in her work as a contracts officer enjoyed the challenge of getting value for money when it came to servicing the needs of the company 's departments .
3 WHAT constitutes value for money when it comes to food and drink ?
4 He said we should meet for lunch so I went to his office .
5 He was dialling the restaurant to book the table for lunch when it came to him .
6 We decided to abandon fishing and head for home before I froze to death .
7 It 's trendy 'n' neat and comes complete with the bestest games that you 'll ever meet ; A stylish cassette box is what it is , and it 's yours for nuffin when you subscribe to this !
8 Skilled , semi-skilled , non-skilled workers see the different levels of of livelihood that you see to be measured on sort of thing and er therefore you 've got ta good way of representing this society as a whole have n't you .
9 Now many more MPs expressed alarm about the actual impact of the tax on their constituents and , consequently , on their chances of re-election as they discovered to their dismay that most households would be paying far more in poll tax that they had under the old rating system .
10 And as there are four times as many outbreaks in the home than in hotels , takeaways and restaurants etc , it is clear that the domestic kitchen is the last line of defence when it comes to food hygiene .
11 Assuming that these risks are real ones in the large public company , the chapter will survey the law of negligence as it applies to directors , and will consider whether the role of the courts as external monitors of management efficiency could usefully be increased .
12 And her heart gave just a little kick of worry as she turned to Ted Morgan again .
13 It merely hints that the world will be a better place if we support it because the unquantified benefits which will flow from it will put us on a level with Germany and France , assuming of course that we wish to be on a level with Germany and France .
14 When Queenie talks about the increased expenditure on recreation from nineteen eighty to now , that 's quite right , there has been a huge increase in spending , and that 's because the Labour Council was committed to improving recreation facilities in the City , and it did n't continue the appalling record that the Conservative administration had had before of virtually no recreational facilities , it invested in recreation facilities — you listed them yourself — and of course those facilities have to be paid for and on when we have stood for election we 've always made it clear that we want to provide quality services , but of course that they have to be paid for , and so the second point that you then made was that , you know , our budget 's gone up beyond belief , well I mean this year it 's being cut by two million pounds , last year it was a standstill budget , and erm that has been done at a time when in fact Central Government has been transferring responsibilities from Central Government onto Local Government without increasing , indeed at the same time decreasing the amount of Central Government grant that 's gone to local councils .
15 and erm at that time of course when we got to that sort of crisis we erm had to send a memo over to the er Clerk of the Council 's Department er .
16 Of course when you get to my age , it 's the short term memory that goes first so I really only remember players from 15 or more years ago .
17 Well of course when I went to the Isle of Man , see , I went on the boat and er , you see , and er it only cost me ninepence for a , a landing er for the landing stage .
18 Of course if they come to you then you get a feel of how the equipment is going to feel in your office , and that can be useful too .
19 and that 's the way its it left we left it but of course as I mentioned to him we 'd completely omitted Tats which of course we we we had n't done Tats at all .
20 Consider an example from the new Collins Cobuild dictionary ( 1987 ) , of which Sinclair is editor-in-chief and which is based on just the kind of computer analysis of text that he refers to .
21 A recent case , which has authoratively reviewed the implied duty of fidelity as it applies to the use of confidential information once employment has ended , is Faccenda Chicken Ltd v Fowler [ 1985 ] 1 All ER 724 ; [ 1986 ] 1 All ER 617 ( CA ) .
22 All report a passionate directness of response that they attribute to the setting and the pathology of the patients , but which probably has as much to do with social class .
23 We have seen significant changes world wide and that means that we should reappraise the amount of money that we devote to the diplomatic corps and to our aid budget .
24 It may sound like magic , but the trick is , first , to reduce the amount of money that you pay to the government and , second , to reduce real payroll costs while raising employees ' perceived income .
25 The decision to go north found the duke short of money and he wrote to Sir John Say for a loan of £100 to tide him over .
26 The decision to go north found the duke short of money and he wrote to Sir John Say for a loan of £100 to tide him over .
27 Although Arieti himself fails properly to follow it through , his observation underpins an important theme in our understanding of creativity as it relates to psychosis , and we shall have occasion to refer to it again .
28 The revival of small-scale farmhouses cheeses and the subsequent interest in these individual products has been brought about partly by the farmers ' need to cut the amount of milk that they send to the Milk Marketing Board and partly by the public 's demand for ‘ real ’ cheeses with traditional texture and flavour .
29 Consequently , he is continually having to hold on to a sense of humility while he listens to other people , otherwise he can too easily defend himself by taking up a judgemental posture .
30 She walked into the sitting-room , and there was Simone , a glass of wine in her hand , her face a picture of absorption as she listened to whatever Piers was telling her .
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