Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [conj] i [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 He said we should meet for lunch so I went to his office .
2 We decided to abandon fishing and head for home before I froze to death .
3 Well of course when I went to the Isle of Man , see , I went on the boat and er , you see , and er it only cost me ninepence for a , a landing er for the landing stage .
4 and that 's the way its it left we left it but of course as I mentioned to him we 'd completely omitted Tats which of course we we we had n't done Tats at all .
5 ‘ And these stones — so unexpected in this magnificent country — because I confess it is not for the pleasures of civilisation that I came to this district but for the informing breadth and spectacles of Nature — reminded me of somewhere I knew not where and that was my over-selfish study which all but ended in a brute collision with yourselves ! ’
6 ‘ I 've been losing quite a lot of weight since I came to Hochhauser .
7 I seek to contrast that material ought with a formal ought which is a necessary element in the theory of law that I refer to as ‘ normative positivism ’ .
8 ‘ I drive down hoping to open negotiations with the house owner , ’ he continued , ‘ spend time with Paulo in the office , then grab a bite of lunch before I return to Lisboa , but — ’
9 I did n't even know I had any kind of title until I went to prep school when I started to get these letters saying : ‘ The Honourable Charles ’ .
10 ‘ Killer blah , ’ he said in a strange tone of voice that I took to be a warning so I went back under the chair .
11 I knew nothing of the facts of life until I got to my preparatory school , when at the age of thirteen , all of the boys who were leaving were summoned to the headmaster 's study .
12 There 's other types of music that I listen to that do make my hair stand on end and they do n't have a single guitar in them !
13 Thus it was with a certain amount of relief that I acceded to our editor 's request to look at FloorPlan Plus , ( FP from hereon ) which promises to make this kind of thing much easier to sort out .
14 I got the same overpowering sense of mortality when I went to my old school reunion last week .
15 I think they 've got their cost structures er a a little bit out of line and I have to be honest that I think that some of them have thought that er all you have to do is , you know , keep a brass plate outside your door for fifty years and the work would roll in .
16 He took us to the Þingvellir National park where the clouds parted and the sun shone on square kilometres of snow that was so clean and pure it made me weep for all the time we had lost on the trip , and for the pleasure of being where I wanted to be .
17 She appeared to be trying to out-stare me , but actually I 'm rather good at that sort of thing when I want to be , and I did n't let my eyes flicker .
18 A piece of land where I happened to be born .
19 ‘ Four of them got together over a couple of decanters of port and I listened to what I could .
20 No it 's down there , and in it er I wrote it last night actually when I was feeling pretty fucked off so it 's probably a bit out of order but I wrote to him and said erm tt Josh has been round this evening asking questions about what 's happened with his money erm and I think you 're really out of order .
21 ‘ Through my early years , I always did a lot of running and I came to the conclusion that that was the reason for my injuries .
22 nice talking to someone about education cos I talk to some people and they think I 'm crackers cos I took my kid out of a state school !
23 Erm , I 'm just looking for some with lycra because I like to be able to afford a bit more .
24 I did n't know about existentialism until I went to university , although at sixteen I had spent a lot of time agonising over whether God existed and what was Free Will , and had the frisson of reading Voltaire .
25 He sent me a memorandum directing me to inform him in future before I write to any newspaper periodical on matters appertaining to the force .
26 And er we had er a very fine teacher then when er I can look back in pleasure when I went to school .
27 I ask these questions because of course article five of the treaty of Rome basis a burden on this court , it does n't er create rights in itself , I think everyone agrees with this , but it certainly er imposes a duty on this court erm to apply with er community laws , purposes and principals and I 'm wondering whether erm , that , that is why I 'm looking at the possible consequences of this er the inter relationship between the , for example , the directive and article eighty five , er and bearing in mind as I said to Mr the other day , the consequences erm of er these fees
28 We always march in the parade on Armistice Sunday and this year erm I picked my poppy wreath up from the vic from vicarage and I said to the Vicar , you do n't mind if I wind some white poppies in this one do you , because it was the Earl Hague poppy you know .
29 I hear some people in court and I say to myself ‘ I know why you are not here every day ’ .
30 To each his fun in his own way , of course , but I much prefer to use my ferrets to the full , clearing each burrow in turn as I come to it .
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