Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [pron] [vb past] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When I took her to a school for admission they sent us to the Education department .
2 For confirmation I visited him in prison , where in protest against his incarceration he had put himself in solitary confinement , and found him to be sandy-haired , bullet-headed and verbose , yet with a redeeming sense of humour ; his passionate denials of having played any part in the Ayr murder were too convincing to have been invented .
3 She found the responsibility of being the Mayor 's wife almost too much for her , and was in a constant flutter for fear she forgot something in connection with the entertainment of the steady procession of guests , important to Tollemarche , who filed through her home .
4 After lunch he took her to the shops in the wide , tree-lined avenues , and though from time to time she was out of his sight she had no doubt whatever that he still thought she would rush off to telegraph news to her magazine if she got half a chance .
5 After dinner he took us to the Royal College of Art , where he seemed proud to be an honorary member of the faculty club and students ' union .
6 Time after time he defended himself from Carter , time after time the screw intervened , again and again he was n't pushed to the floor .
7 ( Of course we understood none of this really , we just thought she was fabulous ; when she left us , simply left us , taking only the jewels , we were terrified and had no idea of how to keep things going .
8 Yeah , of course you saw it as a kid , did n't you ?
9 And erm then of course she told me about this so my mother went to see him .
10 Of course she started it by walking into the boudoir .
11 Of course it stunned her into silence and she never answered at all , not even when he reached out and collected most of her parcels , carrying them himself .
12 So of course I told him about , you see we , we 'd lowered the level of the loch at the , took four feet of it , you see and it revealed this thing in the loch .
13 And I says , it 's an old lake dwelling , and er of course I mentioned it to this chap , just switch it off the now .
14 Thing was in fairness Martin er er it 's actually the sociability side er both both of you talked about the house did n't you and how , how long you came here and of course I changed it to how , the directions er which you gave me now
15 This I did at once with a feeling of self-importance which blinded me to the now obvious fact that she was abrogating her responsibilities and allowing them to devolve , once more , upon her eldest daughter .
16 With the promise of money he accompanied us to his office for the forms .
17 Now that those people have run up those enormous debts , where are the Labour Members of Parliament who led them into that position ?
18 No one really wants to know about him , and he knows why he agreed to do the film , why on the last day of shooting he dismissed it as a ‘ stinker ’ , what he thinks of it now .
19 And all the time the line of force which bound her to her husband stretched and vibrated so that her heart in secret haemorrhage , gushed blood .
20 One of the ways she visualized life was as a swirling , unpredictable tide of confusion which swept you along helpless , bumping against rocks , trying to snatch at branches , bits of wreckage , anything that might help to keep you afloat for , if you did n't watch out , the waters would suck you down and close over your head .
21 Although all felt that they had found a means of living which enabled them to be open to this reality , they nevertheless say that it was experienced as a gift and a grace beyond anything that could be achieved by conscious effort .
22 Did he know exactly the kind of dilemma she found herself in ?
23 They then wheeled in unison into a shaft of light which held them for a second or so before they soared over the car and away .
24 In works of reference he described himself as ‘ painter and zoologist ’ .
25 With a shriek of delight she threw herself at Maggie , enveloping her in the warmest of embraces .
26 There was a tight , hard knot in her stomach that seemed to preclude eating , but in a gesture of defiance she helped herself to a platter of seafood .
27 ‘ The variety of work which included anything from milk quotas to mortgage repossessions , meant that I had to be practical and adapt quickly .
28 Perhaps his father had the kind of job which took him to many parts of the country , and possibly he took the boy with him , I do not know .
29 His eyesight was below par which disqualified him from being a pilot — and annoyed him a lot — but he passed out as a navigator .
30 In our impressionistic historical view of the coming of modernity we saw it in terms of crises and radical social and economic change .
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