Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [verb] [adv] been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 've got first hand experience of this , since the unit Epson provided for review had obviously been in use elsewhere before it got to me , and there was toner flying free from the part-used cartridge .
2 ESL has been a particularly dynamic area of language teaching and one area of provision has always been for students who wish to continue their general education in this country or to take up training opportunities in MSC-funded schemes .
3 The issue of retirement had never been on the agenda previously , quite simply because people died much younger in earlier generations .
4 Does the Secretary of State agree that , whatever the merits of Her Majesty 's inspectors being involved in the advocacy of method , their function of providing independent and publicised reports on the quality of education has never been in question ?
5 Wilf Medlam 's labour of love has not been in vain .
6 This approach characterizes much of the brief and rather shameful history of anthropology , where the study of Man has not been of you and me so much as of those other strange folk whose bodies , habits and beliefs were alien , but whose lands , raw materials and pagan souls were so promising .
7 Of course quality of care has always been of professional concern in the NHS , but it was firmly placed on managerial agendas by the Griffiths management reforms in 1983 and given a substantial boost by WFP .
8 As everyone knows , the insurance industry 's recent experience of its very own crisis scenario has led to , if a particular line of cover has not been among those withdrawn because of poor claims records , dramatic increases in premiums .
9 Of course the Deputy Under Secretary had not been beyond the reach of Century House while in Mombasa .
10 The reasons given for these sales are that the Museum has limited storage space in its present building , and that the works in question have not been on exhibition for some considerable time , or duplicate existing holdings .
11 The Cockcroft Report pointed out that traditionally mathematics in school has rarely been about anything .
12 Chris in fact had n't been at the wedding , since Courtney had refused to let his wife Shelli attend .
13 He barely speaks Italian and in fact has only been to the country of his ancestry once — on a school trip .
14 There , the emphasis to date has not been on regulation per se , but on building a culture sensitive to the management of conflicts of interest .
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