Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [verb] [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Robert Aaron , of Low Coniscliffe , has applied to the council for permission to set up a portable building in his garden for village events .
2 In 1984 the Anglian Water Authority applied for permission to carry out a land-drainage scheme on the Stour between Stratford St Mary and Flatford Mill , with the purpose of converting the riverside pasture to oil-seed rape .
3 The substitution worked both ways as Surgeon drove in a low cross for Canning to crash home a spectacular equaliser in the 64th minute .
4 In between , Strachan showed his alertness again , running Nigel Worthington and John Harkes ragged in the first seconds after half-time to set up a simple header for Lee Chapman .
5 The masquerade of camp becomes less a self-concealment than a kind of attack , and untruth a virtue : many a young man , says Wilde , ‘ starts with the natural gift of exaggeration which , if encouraged could flourish .
6 The show also had a majority of male acts so a female comic was perfect .
7 All this of course took up a great deal of time and delayed the completion of Robyn 's thesis on the nineteenth-century industrial novel , which had to be constantly revised to take the new theories into account .
8 This of course requires quite a sophisticated language helper .
9 Conventional railways may of course provide only a partial answer to congestion-busting , and Regional Railways is happy to co-operate with the promoters of the proliferating light rail schemes .
10 To Methodists the talk of collectivism remained largely a political debate because , despite their numerous schisms , all five Methodist connexions had strong central authorities much envied by some Baptists and Congregationalists .
11 Did the experience of plenty bring about a fundamental change in the American or British character ?
12 A serious matter-of-fact weekend gives you plenty of opportunity to sort out a financial hassle connected with income tax , pensions or an inheritance .
13 Indeed , " the main theme " of the book is the argument that the triangular pattern of cooperation between government and the two sides of industry built up a new form of harmony which lasted until the mid-sixties and led to the trade unions and employers ' associations being elevated to a new sort of status so that they became " governing institutions " sharing some of the political power and attributes of the state itself .
14 Towards the date for closure of Banstead , in mid-1986 , two researchers from the national offices of MIND carried out a brief study of the closure process .
15 The author makes use of irony to point out a moral conclusion .
16 All heads of department carried on a voluminous correspondence with this official .
17 A mindless act of violence sets off a chilling , psychologically tense tale .
18 That same pool of light picked out a half-smoked cigar on the edge of an ashtray , a partly consumed sandwich , and several mugs of cold tea .
19 Then Diane found a switch and threw it , and a weak pool of illumination washed down a white screen on the back wall .
20 On the following day , a sprinkling of ash fell over a wide area , and a great column of steam was seen rising above Krakatoa , leaving no doubt that a major eruption was under way .
21 And figures for the country of birth of heads of household give only a rough estimate of ethnic minority populations , as some members of ethnic minorities live in households whose head was born in the United Kingdom , and some of those living in households whose head was born outside the United Kingdom do not belong to ethnic minorities .
22 as the level of average consumption rises , an increasing portion of consumption takes on a social as well as an individual aspect … the satisfaction that individuals derive from goods and services depends in increasing measure not only on their own consumption but on consumption by others as well .
23 In it they asserted quite clearly that permitting divorce would certainly affect the stability of all Irish marriages because it rendered every Irish marriage dissoluble : ‘ It is as though the legal availability of divorce builds up a social pressure which , for large numbers of people , becomes stronger than moral or religious resistance ’ ( abridged version , Irish Times , 14 May 1986 ) .
24 Planck used the idea of quanta to explain why a red-hot piece of metal does n't give off an infinite amount of heat ; but he regarded quanta simply as a theoretical trick , one that did n't correspond to anything in physical reality .
25 ‘ You must excuse me , ’ croaked the old woman , reaching for her handkerchief — a murky brown item that would not have looked out of place knotted round a leaky sewer pipe — ‘ But you got to laugh sometimes !
26 What distinguishes the infinitive of reaction from uses such as I am ready to leave , where ready also attributes a prior disposition to the support , is simply that the characteristic denoted by the adjective of reaction evokes both a prior and a contemporaneous disposition towards the occurrence of an event .
27 The real work of acting takes on a different dimension .
28 For this emerging form of realism revolves around a particular interpretation of the relation between appearances and essences … .
29 Edison 's first machine was the ‘ tinfoil phonograph ’ ( 1 ) , in which sound waves at the mouthpiece vibrated a diaphragm , and created undulations in a stretched layer of tinfoil wrapped round a cylindrical drum .
30 Yet second-person pronouns are not generally accepted in academic writing , a characteristic of the idiom linked to the idea of criticism having less a given , particular reader than of an unspecified general readership .
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