Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [noun] [be] hold [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Reacting to requests from Course Leaders and Heads of Department , the first in a possible series of workshops for Course Leaders was held at the beginning of June .
2 It has been estimated that in the years 1877–1904 70 per cent of Pomeranian farmland was held in large estates and only 30 per cent in peasant smallholdings of various kinds : about two-thirds of Pomeranian farmers were smallholders living in the most appalling poverty ; their assets were non-existent or too small for them to think of trekking westwards to look for factory work ; they were too poor to pay cash for their land , and too impoverished for any bank to risk giving them a loan .
3 Although a series of Shinto ceremonies was held at the palace , much of the religious content was stripped from the state-funded Sokui-no-rei , or Enthronement Ceremony .
4 THE scandal of more than one-third of a billion pounds worth of intervention food being held in cold storage in the Republic while millions of people are dying in Africa has angered TDs .
5 The administration strongly opposed the bill , arguing that it would violate existing textile agreements with 38 countries , would undermine two multinational agreements , and would severely damage the current " Uruguay Round " of trade talks being held under the auspices of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) .
6 570 an order deciding a preliminary issue of documentary construction was held to be a final order for the purposes of an appeal under the Supreme Court Act 1981 which does not allow an appeal to the Court of Appeal in England without leave from an interlocutory order .
7 A series of government investigations were held into the question of pensions and the conditions of the aged poor , in 1885–87 , 1895 , 1896 and 1899 .
8 An unofficial conference of League branches was held in Islington on 8 May 1937 under the Chairmanship of Ted Willis , editor of Advance .
9 Elections to district assemblies with executive powers were held in December 1988 and January and February 1989 .
10 Elections to district assemblies with executive powers were held in December 1988 and in January and February 1989 [ see p. 36543 ] .
11 On the car radio the BBC World Service announces that this morning ( 6th May ) , for the first time in forty years , the authorities in Soviet Moldavia have opened the Soviet-Romanian border across the river Pruth and that people on both sides of the border have launched millions of flowers into the waters , with thanksgiving services being held on both sides of the border .
12 In addition talks were held between Alatas and his Chinese counterpart Qian Qichen , and between Prawiro and Zheng Tuobin , Chinese Minister of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade .
13 Hepworth Feast in south-west Yorkshire is held on the last Monday in June , but this does not comply with the general rule that the date of the village feast is dependent upon the date of its church 's dedication .
14 The elections in south Korea were held amid charges of corruption , intimidation , impersonation and the familiar concomitants of the supposedly democratic processes .
15 Indo-US talks on non-proliferation issues in South Asia were held in Delhi on June 18-19 .
16 Talks and meetings on topics of interest to nurses looking for a change in career direction are held throughout the day , and personnel and recruitment officers make themselves available to answer questions and arrange interviews for interested applicants .
17 L. , 1976 ) water authorities had a statutory power to make orders imposing charges on persons not connected to mains drainage was held to be ultra vires as the correct state of affairs did not exist as a precondition to the exercise of the power .
18 Relations with India were marked in July by the signing of a cultural agreement , and in September by the re-opening of rail links for freight traffic ; Indo-Bangladeshi talks on border security were held in April 1991 .
19 Segmentation based on usage contexts is held to be particularly efficient because it permits product and marketing planning to be based on customer perceptions of what is required of , or desirable in that product .
20 The inaugural meeting of the Department of Employment 's Advisory Group on Age Discrimination was held in February .
21 In June 1987 a first day conference on church planting was held at Holy Trinity Brompton ; more were held in 1988 and 1989 with a further conference held at St Andrew 's , Chorleywood in 1989 .
22 In 1974 the great International Congress on World Evangelisation was held in Lausanne and thousands of delegates came to it from all over the world .
23 Inconclusive talks on currency issues were held at a meeting in Minsk on June 26 between representatives of the 11 Commonwealth of Independent States ( CIS ) states ( including heads of government of Byelarus , Russia and Tajikistan only , and with Moldova and Azerbaijan present only as observers ) .
24 The blackout was imposed by overspill prisoners being held at York 's Clifford Street police station .
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