Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [v-ing] that [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Patten spent much of yesterday emphasising that he wanted to respect local decisions , and that once the regions and his department had worked out overall allocations , it was for local electorates to decide where they put the bricks and mortar .
2 The defensive manoeuvre behind it is something like this : if I do n't acknowledge that this thing has happened then I do n't have to believe it is true ; I wo n't have to understand what has occurred if I hold off from consciously realizing that it has happened .
3 Without even realising that he 'd moved , he found himself standing by the door to her room .
4 But the luxurious tropical oasis that was the Hamiltons ' house , and the fact that she saw Tom every day and had become friends with him , had led her to drop her guard without fully realising that she had done so , and now she was utterly vulnerable to him .
5 Mars-Jones J in Palacath Ltd v Flanagan [ 1985 ] 2 All ER 161 decided that a surveyor was not immune without specifically denying that he had acted as a quasi-arbitrator .
6 Justin : We reassure them that it wo n't happen again without actually mentioning that it did happen .
7 At once regretting that she had let herself become riled , she delved into her bag and came out with a bar of soap .
8 Laura responded to this repositioning of her responsibilities neither by loudly insisting that she have more formal authority nor by sweetly surrendering the vestiges of power which she had .
9 A doctor jilted by a nurse took revenge by falsely diagnosing that she had the Aids virus .
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