Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] were [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Twelve bedsteads were urgently required and were ordered from Messrs. Kilpin and Leach ; the mattresses and ticking for them were obtained from the House of Industry .
2 The murder , it is suspected , was intended to foment open conflict in Belfast between the Ulster Defence Association and the rival Ulster Volunteer Force as relations between them were strained at the time .
3 Certain parts of me were defined by the grass that I dented with my feet or the cushion that I hollowed with my back and had an identity both in time and space ; but the breasts and cunt he briefly fondled existed only because touched at his will and through his perception of them .
4 Hardly any public cinemas are functioning , most of them were destroyed in the bombing .
5 The last forty years of the seventeenth century were a boom period for country house building , and although many of them were replaced in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries , Oswaldkirk is a beautiful reminder of the high quality of those houses .
6 It was as the pair of them were passing through the doorway into the hall that Jake turned for a moment to catch Shiona 's eye .
7 Many of them were built in a simple , elegant , almost standard form .
8 The servants were subdued by the occasion , sensing at last that something was badly wrong , it was a rare occasion when all of them were summoned before the mistress at the same time .
9 His associate Auguste Laurent- and both of them were kept on the fringe of the French scientific establishment — was more hopeful : he believed that it was possible to determine formulae and structures , but not inductively as chemists had so far tried to do .
10 Some of them were absorbed by the empire , where they constructed an administrative system remarkable for the degree of local autonomy exercised within it , and where they pursued , amid uncomprehending but generally unresisting natives , dreams of winning the trust and loyalty of their charges by their integrity , fairness , firmness , and likableness .
11 To my surprise , many of them were echoed by the hon. Member for Hammersmith .
12 Now the three of them were hovering in the reception area , arguing about what to do .
13 Moreover , many of them were made with the aim of preserving achievements from an earlier period ( particularly , the stable currency and low inflation ) .
14 Thirteen of them were made by the electrical process in 1930–31 , but three were acoustically produced ten years earlier .
15 Eighteen of them were killed in the first stage of the pursuit , 5 were later " cutdown in the highways " and 2 more at Gidom .
16 By Sunday evening , when it was time for them to leave and the three of them were piling into the Bentley , what she felt inside her , by any definition , was far more than simply sexual excitement .
17 Several of them were bound in a strange dry leathery material , which Ace was happy not to know the origin of .
18 Those at the exiled Court became hopelessly out of touch with political realities in post-Revolutionary England ; many of them were living in the world as they thought it had been in the late 1680s , and their platform increasingly appeared to have less and less relevance to the new problems facing England .
19 All nine of them were named on a special commendation given by Merseyside 's chief fire officer Andrew Best .
20 The two of them were implicated in the hounding to death of Chilperic 's son Merovech in 577 .
21 For a period , many of them were housed in the Culloden Hotel amid rural surroundings in Co .
22 Of greater significance than the numbers of schools established in 1850 to 1860 is the fact that some of them were founded for the express purpose of teaching deaf children through the Oral System .
23 Thirteen thousand of them were commanded by a helmsman who had n't steered anything without wheels for more than a year .
24 ‘ If the three of them were playing on the day , I think I 'd go to see Tranmere … ‘
25 Some of them were shown to the solicitors of a Mr Jaggard , who was defending civil actions in the Chancery Division brought by the same company .
26 Such changes occurred most commonly when women were initially booked to deliver at general practitioner hospitals : 40% of them were delivered at a consultant unit .
27 The two of them were sitting at a table in the open air .
28 One evening , when the two of them were sitting at the Rotonde , Beatrice , ‘ the lady of Montmartre ’ , entered with a handsome escort .
29 I 'd walk up to the corner of Mill Street — a very scruffy street , and there was a gang of fellers standing on the corner and some of them were sitting on the pub sill and others standing around .
30 The three of them were sitting under a seat .
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