Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] to the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Their running was impeded by the mass of men coming out of the main doors and scattering in all directions , and heads down , they made their way between them to the back of the Naafi and into the rest room , which was empty ; and they were just in the process of taking off their wet top coats when the supervisor came in , saying , ‘ Oh , I 'm in luck ; I was about to send to the hut for help .
2 Berthe Weill shrugged and crossed the street after him to the catcalls of the crowd .
3 The chief constable must make his objections within 21 days of the receipt by him of the notice , and must , on lodging objections , send a copy of them to the secretary of the club .
4 Social and economic relations were modified in a whole range of ways over this period , some of them to the advantage of the working class .
5 In the southernmost bay we engaged most valiantly with a band of savage islanders who scaled the walls of the sloop Rebecca and torched her timbers , but we consigned the greater part of them to the sea for pasture for the fishes that teem therein .
6 In fact , an incurious person might travel from one end of them to the other without seeing a single shrub .
7 He gazed from the one of them to the other in anguish .
8 She tiptoed past them to the chest of drawers , took out a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt and slipped back downstairs to the kitchen .
9 How reach through and past them to the axis of power ?
10 Then his expression suddenly hardened as his eyes flicked past her to the staircase at the top of which lay Silvia 's room .
11 Talk of the Rector and his unruly family , of her wild Harry 's doings at Oxford , of the poor hunting season it had been , all flowed between her and Aunt Emily and when she rose to go , and Alexandra held out her hand in farewell , Mrs Burrows stalked past her to the door as if she had no more real existence than an armchair .
12 For once he pushed the vision of her to the back of his mind , his thoughts focusing instead on the events of that night .
13 If a councillor has any matter to bring before a committee he must give notice of it to the clerk of the council .
14 In the event , the decision proved premature and the UK equity market had another 11% appreciation ahead of it to the end of 1992 .
15 A good deal of it to the east of the Cherwell remains in use as a main road ( A41 and A4095 ) , the only important break in the line being caused by the growth of the Saxon town of Bicester , a mile to the north , in place of the now-vanished Romano-British town of Alchester .
16 Thirty five for an ordinary one you know everything to my spouse or most of it to the spouse with bits to the children er well r we usually run to about thirty five pounds .
17 Rebecca was looking pointedly from one of us to the other like a parody of a spectator watching a tennis rally .
18 What they really refer to and bring to expression is his meaning for us ; and their significance is to be grasped afresh , not by their simple repetition , but by returning behind them to the history of Jesus ' life and teaching , and to the message of his cross and resurrection .
19 Even Nicandra 's little dog , Nettie , checked any exuberance and hesitated behind them to the door of the morning room .
20 It implies that objectivity is to be sought , not by trying to root judgements in absolute standards , but on the contrary by treating all standards as provisional in order to get behind them to the reality of the concrete situation and the authentic response of the individual .
21 As he talks a train of small boys returning from school tramps behind us to the beat of the folk-pop tape .
22 I kicked myself all the way back to the hotel for being an arrant coward , and next day persuaded my companion to return with me to the scene of our defeat and try again .
23 Cal gets on with her mum and dad , she loves going on holiday with them to the villa in Spain — she seems a goodie-goodie but she 's not , she 's great .
24 There were reports that two religious parties , United Tora Judaism and the NRP , were pressing Labour to enter into a coalition with them to the exclusion of Meretz .
25 If you are cutting from a severed stem , take it with you to the stock to be budded , or if you are taking a number of buds , get the stem into a deep can of water at once and use it as soon as possible .
26 He walked with her to the door of the hall and watched her stepping it out across the square , her shoulders back , her head defiantly erect .
27 Rain snatched an early chance to say goodnight and Ayling walked with her to the foot of the stairs , asking after people at the Post and showing every wish to go on talking .
28 Her mother went with her to the edge of the village .
29 Fortunately , she was petite and thin , almost to the point of emaciation , but all the same Sabine needed all her strength to struggle with her to the grass on the opposite side of the road .
30 Leaving his mate to control the traffic , P.C. Clifford went with her to the parapet of the bridge .
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