Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] that [pers pn] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 ‘ What is this history of yours that you think it irrecoverable ?
2 It was n't until she got within a few yards of him that he realized it was Maisie .
3 We saved them , they were on about cameras and that and then we found out inserts inside it that you got it with that did n't you ?
4 THE WORLD HAS stopped making sense again , and Odilo forgets everything again ( which is probably just as well ) , and the war is over now ( and it seems pretty clear to me that we lost it ) , and life goes on for a little while .
5 but it was told to me that he dreamt it
6 cos they pledge to you that they get it cleaner than anything else
7 Mr Hall says in a letter to her that he finds it difficult to understand how he can be associated with the previous Conservative MP Chris Butler 's lack of support for the unit .
8 — This thought was so agonizing to her that she shut it out .
9 ‘ What a silly little trick — he certainly owes you an apology and I 'll see to it that he makes it . ’
10 You must take my word for it that I saw it by accident .
11 It was n't till the evening when we sat down and talked about it that I realised it could have been quite dangerous .
12 He was so worried by it that he took it , and his own doubts about faith , to his father .
13 I was so disquieted by it that I finished it that evening .
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