Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [that] [pron] [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was through them that I heard about the forthcoming penny farthing races at Ferrymead Historic Park , on Waitangi Day ( the NZ national day , Feb. 6th ) .
2 ‘ And let her know that you cared so little for me that you had to be reminded ?
3 It was recorded of him that he sang with the monks in the divine offices ; when taunted by the king for his clerkly tastes , he responded that an illiterate king was a crowned ass ( a cliché much favoured in twelfth-century Angevin circles , for it sprang from a sense of family superiority — the counts of Anjou were , by any standards , learned men ) .
4 She was so aware of him that he seemed to be touching her from a long way off .
5 It is characteristic of him that he transmitted to us a document which gave the number of the soldiers in the Roman army about 225 B.C. and added the number of the men of military age but not under arms : the document distinguished between Roman citizens and allies , and gave specific figures for the main groups of allies ( 2.23–4 ) .
6 Sometime she felt so fond of him that she inclined to a belief in reincarnation , feeling that they must once have been twins : she understood him far too well for her peace of mind , and she knew why her brothers detested him ; apart from the fact that they were racists , they were baffled by his charm and his after-shave .
7 She had not quite the disdain of him that she put into what she said ; and perhaps he knew it as well as she did .
8 After the war a man called Alec Howson in Barnard Castle ran the trips and it was with him that we went to Loch Lomond .
9 He used to listen to American Football on the American Forces Network and was so enthused with it that he wrote to the American Embassy , who invited him to visit them for the day .
10 Of course I 've sent specimens to Forensic but you can take it from me that he died of strychnine poisoning ; a fairly hefty dose but he 'd been living on borrowed time any way .
11 You did say in her that you heard from Sally I did n't get my usual Christmas letter .
12 As he approaches the city on the freeway the same old restless excitement stirs in him that he felt on that first apocalyptic evening all those years ago .
13 She was scarcely aware of the tapping at the door until it opened and Niall came into the room , his presence the catalyst for so many warring emotions within her that she stared at him with mutinous , tear-filled eyes .
14 I used to have a file , but I found that , as with so many files one opens , I was putting so much in it that it ceased to be useful .
15 He also taught us music and it was through him that I learned of its expressive nature .
16 Catherine seemed to be unconscious , and Mr Edgar was so worried about her that he forgot about Heathcliff for the moment .
17 And it seemed to them that there came against them on the part of the Christians full seventy thousand knights , all as white as snow : .
18 It seems to me that anyone attracted to practising psychology or psychotherapy or psychiatry has not been so without some needs of their own .
19 ‘ And she has made the same promise to me that I made to my mum and dad . ’
20 He covets your practice , and in order to get it he 'll play the same trick on you that he played on me . ’
21 Well quite simply er my reason is that erm I 'll read the letter to you that I dictated to the Sales Manager a week ago .
22 It had never occurred to her that he came from the sort of background where servants were a matter of course and all one had to do in order to eat was pull a bell .
23 He spent the black hours best in the writing of hopelessly happy propositions to her that he kept for comfort in a drawer , as if they were love letters received from her instead of dead ones from himself that he saw no good in posting .
24 She is an elderly person , lives on her own , and er , he made a suggestion to her that she went with him to prison , to face the man , well , I do n't whether it was the actual man , but men that had done burglaries , you see .
25 It had the same feel to it that she knew from the long hours she 'd spent experiencing the mass-market romantic slush that Madreidetic packed into their holos .
26 He was a protégé of Sir William Chambers , who saw to it that he worked in every artistic department , including that of interior decoration , before he designed his first house at the age of eighteen .
27 Instead he told the judge that if he let his son go free , he would see to it that his got into no more trouble .
28 There were faces among them that I recognised from England , and from the training centre at Achnacarry .
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