Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [be] [vb pp] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 When the remainder of the known fortified sites are plotted on a map ( fig. 7.1 ) most of them are seen to be distributed along three routes :
2 For instance , discharges frequently run from septic tanks in the grounds of country cottages , many of whose occupants are old people who have the sympathies of field men , since most of them are believed to be badly off .
3 Although the effects of loss vary from one individual to another , on the whole it seems that men tend to fare a little better in bereavement than women , and fewer of them are found to be in need of psychiatric treatment for chronic grief and depression .
4 Some of them are held to be responsible for relaxation phenomena at low temperatures while folds are of great importance in the crystallization of polymers .
5 This hypothesis is supported by the fact that most plant families that produce bird-dispersed seeds are of very wide distribution and that several of them are held to be primitive , e.g. Annonaceae , Lauraceae , while several genera conspicuous in this trait are found in both tropical America and Australasia .
6 Then bundle up your husband and boyfriend and send him to the woman whose name appears at the top of the list , you will receive 16,337 men — and one of them is bound to be a hell of a lot better than the one you already have .
7 Some of them were said to be at least a hundred years old .
8 All but two of them were found to be leading personal lives that were full of achievement .
9 One of them was sentenced to be burned alive , and the other hanged , punishments dictated , apparently , not by their sexuality as such but their transvestism and use of the dildo — at once , I want to suggest , appropriations of masculinity , inversions of it , and substitutions for it .
10 Moreover one of them was bound to be reporting back to the Questore , and since there was no way of finding out which he would have to keep them all busy if he was to do what Bartocci had asked .
11 Although several differences in pretreatment characteristics of responders versus non-responders were observed , none of them was found to be significant .
12 When the first of them was brought to be executed , he placed his neck on the block and the executioner pulled the handle to release the blade .
13 I mean , he is n't run of the mill , is he ? … and I thought any lady friend of his was bound to be unusual . ’
14 A remarkable amount of it is alleged to be had through nominees .
15 In the early part of the twentieth century very little was known about the chronology of tribal art ( most of it was considered to be much older than it is ) , and the stylistic differences between the work of various regions had not been examined ; Guillaume himself included Oceanic work under the term tribal art , and felt that it could be extended to include Alaskan art as well .
16 A close associate of hers was reported to be under investigation for espionage .
17 Each one of us is said to be worth fifty thousand pounds of advertising per year to the tobacco companies . ’
18 But the features that make Mr President sexy do n't work the same trick when the man behind them is thought to be a vacuum cleaner salesman from Bolton .
19 No it sounds like you 're meant to be doing .
20 Still , I guess we 've encroached enough on your weekend , and a girl like you is bound to be in demand , ’ he twinkled .
21 Cos I know that once the flats are down it 's bound to be a better area but ten again it 'll probably shove trouble to another area , say like .
22 The question of the reality of the world outside us is acknowledged to be a tricky one .
23 The financial forecasts do not assume that such funds will be available , but reflect the position as it is expected to be on the basis of reasonably firm government funding projections , with Management Studies developing slowly and with no major physical developments other than those funded by outside sources .
24 At Burley Camp in Devon a crock of gold is said to be buried , but anyone who tries to dig for it is said to be scared away by thunder and lightning .
25 As this Third Concerto was drafted on similar manuscript paper as the others ( and shares the same key as No. 1 ) , and portions ended up in two countries , the substantial music for it was thought to be discarded ideas for the Firsts , although all the thematic material used in it is found in music composed or published around his fifteenth year .
26 We had the potent , theoretical motivator of vast unemployment in the area , and those who were working for us were considered to be the fortunate .
27 Somebody in the blackness around them was bound to be listening .
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