Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [verb] [pron] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ After all , you kind of whetted my interest with the part about me killing somebody on a cash basis . ’
2 She was waiting , hopelessly , for me to present her with a completed list and I was n't going to .
3 I already knew that the forebrain roof of the chick was particularly rich in the receptor , and the assay method was fast enough for me to measure it in a couple of hundred brain samples during a single twelve-hour day ( although , inevitably , it took several subsequent days to analyse and calculate all the results ) .
4 Now how about I take you to a doctor I know in Swiss Cottage .
5 And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you to inherit them for a possession ; they shall be your bondmen forever . ’
6 Erm so basically he 's still there and they 've got rid of me making it as an excuse but Charles as partner is his brother , Nicholas .
7 Books can be dangerous because the reading and writing of them involves us in an exercise of intellectual freedom .
8 We almost wished we could ask one of them to join us for a meal .
9 They none of them said anything for a long time .
10 Each one of them tells us about a different aspect of the creature .
11 Eventually , one of them attacked it with a large branch , striking it a damaging blow .
12 The three bassets were already in residence , draped snoring on the fireside rug , but they seemed to be used to Debbie because two of them sniffed her in a bored manner and the third merely cocked a sleepy eye at her before flopping back on the rich pile .
13 I 'm Parish Priest and yet the pair of them treat me like a child . ’
14 Moreover , although their new jobs were temporary , not all of them regarded them as a " stop-gap " .
15 We 're in the Division there with them and we 've we 've got to try and win enough of them to get ourselves into a charging position .
16 ‘ Well , we spoke to at least half a dozen members of his firm and none of them knows anything about a shipment of cocaine , ’ Hitch announced .
17 On the following Monday some of them pursued him to a review that was taking place on Wimbledon Common , while others went to the City , occupied the Royal Exchange and picketed the coffee houses , carrying placards reading More Wages .
18 ‘ That girl of yours asked me for a statement and I gave her one-more than she bargained for , and I made her take it all down . ’
19 Does a man do murder because a mate of his riles him in a pub or because he 's got more money than he has ? ’
20 Whereas most of the models today that we think of we regard them as a mixture of the two but with a he and , depending on the type of or the piece of perception that we 're working on , we have either one the other .
21 He epitomises the polite , friendly grandfather figure , all six foot three of him greeting me with a firm handshake .
22 The thought of it filled her with an immense regret because a child could not stay a child there would be men ( a man she hoped ) in Nicandra 's life , Aunt Tossie thought with pity and some disgust — her mind scampered hurriedly from the contemplation of a subject not forbidden so much as not existing for her .
23 Do n't think the morality of it troubles me for an instant .
24 You have to go through a short course at the R A F College Cranwell and then once that that teaches you the R A F side of it makes you into an officer because at the end of the day you maybe there to do public relations but if the spaghetti hits the fan you 're an officer and you 're a combatant and you know you carry a gun around when you 're in a war zone and you know you 're expected to use it and if the senior officer of the unit next to you gets shot and you 're the most senior officer then you take over
25 ‘ T is already in a state of uproar , ready for that ambitious husband of hers to pluck it like an over-ripe plum , rotting and falling from the tree , and — ’
26 But many of us saw it as an approach which emphasised the need to allow the faith of Christ to be incarnated within particular culture and Sir Paul , the former Archbishop of New Zealand took the same stand point as a Maori , in his own address and called delegates present to speak and act as people of hope and to respond sensitively to economic and environment progility and isolation , not only in the Pacific but wherever they are .
27 More than half of us used it with a video-recorder , chiefly for films and soap operas taped from broadcasts .
28 We brought her in , four of us carrying her on a wicket gate .
29 The so the equations they give you your ability to handle equations means really it would be easier for you to do it without a graph , half the time .
30 This circumstance encourages me to hope that you may , if you have any opening for such a youth , be willing to take George , who is exceedingly desirous of obtaining the situation — or indeed any situation which through industry and a desire of improvement may hereafter insure a creditable independence ; but , above all things he seems to wish that it may be possible for you to take him into a situation similar to that which was offered to his Brother .
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