Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] can be [vb pp] on " in BNC.

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1 Steve Hagger , a director , says the mounting list of creditors can be blamed on the fact Brandmakers was victim of a fraud being perpetrated on companies in search of cash to help them ride the recession .
2 Crystal Clear recommend their very large Turbulator aerators for this use ( up to 18″ long ) and they come ‘ double ended ’ so that a series of units can be combined on one airline in different filter sections .
3 The piping or icing bags need to be washed and dried with every change of colour icing , although of course if you have a number of bags available this is unnecessary , and a variety of colours can be kept on hand at any one time .
4 The Benin heads are represented with crowns or have the hair modelled and no traces of sprues can be seen on their tops .
5 Well , erm , what kinds of changes can be performed on me and still it would be the case that it 's me ?
6 A number of observations can be made on the three-dimensional spatial-stratigraphic development of sourcing coals by the examination of seismic relationships and documented stratigraphy .
7 A stronger criticism of the use of objectives can be made on ethical grounds .
8 The National Association of Teleworkers can be contacted on 0761 413869 .
9 These types of villages can be located on the two axes of temporal and social change ( figure 4.4 ) .
10 With a given size of collection , say 20,000 documents , the appropriate number of headings can be identified on the basis of seeking to create scannable categories .
11 With modern technology many thousands of bistables can be formed on one silicon chip .
12 When water is running it enhances the village aspect and in spring flotillas of ducklings can be seen on it .
13 The Law of Moments can be demonstrated on a balance .
14 The private key concept itself troubles bankers , who can not visualize how telecommunications between strangers can be accomplished on a secured basis , especially when a large number of carriers and commercial parties is involved .
15 Above odds can be found on the Super Soccer coupon .
16 At present money received in roubles from concerts can be spent on food , hotels , transport , presents , etc. but not for the Dublin-Moscow flight .
17 No one has suggested that all left handers have bilateral representation of speech but the distribution of speech representation in sinistrals can be estimated on the grounds of the Amytal test as 70 per cent left sided , 15 per cent right sided and 15 per cent bilateral .
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