Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] do not [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The people looking after chickens do not identify with individual chickens and , as has been said already , very large numbers of animals should not be being looked after by very small numbers of people who have no incentive to treat them as individuals .
2 The plants lumped together under the umbrella name of herbs do not appear at first glance to be essential to maintain life , but it is now becoming apparent that this concept could be wrong , and that herbs are as necessary as oxygen , though the ingredients they contribute , such as minerals and vitamins , may only be found in minute quantities .
3 The presence of neutrons explains why the atomic weights of elements do not correspond with their atomic numbers .
4 Recent surveys in the Lake District have shown that the majority of visitors do not come for these ‘ tourist attractions ’ but rather for the fresh air and breathtaking scenery .
5 Professor Hayek recognises that a free-enterprise economy requires the presence of strong moral standards of a particular kind for it to work : the two crucial ones being a belief in individual responsibility and a recognition that the merit and worth of individuals do not correspond to the material rewards of the market economy .
6 This makes it hard to see why a 20 per cent rule has much appeal , and a more attractive rule might ensure that the activities of participants do not overlap by more than some specific amount .
7 In addition , we have observed that a well characterised group of patients do not benefit from endoscopic therapy .
8 Great care must be taken to ensure that the line of palms do not look like some modern Forestry Commission plantation .
9 Some graphs of equations do not pass through the point x = 0 , y = 0 .
10 He believed that clinical descriptions of neuroses do not take into account the inner experiences of the patient which may be valid and even illuminating .
11 If this project falls , it is not for purely logical reasons ; it will rather be for the more interesting reason that the right sort of truths do not exist about human nature .
12 The majority of offenders do not come from disturbed or broken homes , and many broken homes do not produce delinquents .
13 Accordingly you will find that our team of Representatives do not come in the traditional mould .
14 However , these explanations of violence against women do not tally with the evidence of the extent of the violence nor its continuity with other forms of male conduct towards women .
15 The formal rules of evidence that apply in courts do not apply in tribunals .
16 It has been observed that two out of three fiction readers in libraries do not look at the text of a book before choosing it .
17 Composts for herbs in containers do not have to be elaborate mixtures , and the prepacked soilless kinds whose bulk is peat and sand , or those containing loam such as the John Innes mixes , are excellent .
18 Farmers on the Somerset Levels are to receive extra payments for agreeing to allow surface flooding of their fields between December and May , and ensuring that water levels in ditches do not sink below the mean field level in the summer months .
19 Other examples of insurance claims being referred to experts do not appear in the reports and are not generally encountered in practice ; the insurance world has a pronounced preference for arbitration .
20 Quantity constraints on firms do not figure at all .
21 Health warnings on advertisements do not work for the same reason as health warnings on labels — they represent a token gesture which will have no material effect .
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