Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] he [verb] [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 He had also taken to haunting the Holborn offices of The Little Magazine : for hours he sat crouched in the coffee bars and sandwich nooks opposite , with the unsettled intention of springing out at Sixsmith — if he ever say him , which he never did .
2 In between times he has worked in Grattan St. , Sligo 1969–74 , Laurence St. , Drogheda 1975–77 and Swinford 1977–84 .
3 In his will he left sizeable sums for schools he had built in his home parishes , as well as for Christ 's Hospital , of which he had been a donation governor in 1833 .
4 At other times Fagin would tell them all about robberies he had committed in his younger days , telling the stories so well and putting in so many funny details that Oliver could not stop laughing , even though he knew it was wrong .
5 In April 1981 he was again arrested for articles he had written in association with democracy activist Xu Wenli , tried in May 1982 and sent to prison .
6 Several others , however , including one individual who testified that he had suffered discriminatory treatment from his employers because of views he had expressed in public about the political situation , requested that their names be withheld from the final report , because they felt that their jobs and perhaps even their very lives would be at risk .
7 It drew upon a series of speeches he had made in the late autumn , particularly an address to an all-union student forum .
8 Last month he was hauled before the management committee of the British Judo Association to explain a series of criticisms he had made in The Independent after the poor British results at the European Championships in Helsinki last May .
9 He 'd been funny , telling stories against himself of fiascos he had survived in the theatre , and he 'd been flattering in a subtle way .
10 Within a matter of weeks he had put in place a constituent procedure entirely different from the parliamentary procedure of 1945 – 46 .
11 ‘ I 'm sorry , ’ he said again , and the floodgates really opened , and she began to cry for all the bewilderment of feelings he had caused in her .
12 To cover the areas of special interest that Gould had been unable to investigate personally , he had to rely on a network of collectors he had recruited in the course of his travels .
13 He lost himself in its possibilities , its immensity , he went far out , and came back dazed , stunned by horizons , often with sketches he had done in a hurry and afterwards flew at with the axe of a black crayon , or a pen loaded with black ink , hacking at them fiercely , savagely , to kill off the sentimental and picturesque that was so much in vogue .
14 He had played the first round , but before he had a chance even to hit a ball in the second he was out of the pre-qualifier , suffering from injuries he had received in a car accident with his caddie .
15 He was content to give himself up to the occasion , similar to others he had described in his own books but none of which had ever seemed to possess the colour , the noise , the smell , the sheer vibrancy that was before him now .
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