Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] that [pers pn] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But for reasons that he took to be his own error in transcription , anything that he pilfered straight from life never sounded convincing .
2 The only increase smaller than the £15 is in what is known as the terminal illness category for nursing homes , for reasons that I explained to the House in my uprating statement , where we have instead thought it more appropriate to make , through the Department of Health , an additional grant of £1 million specifically directed to the funding of hospices .
3 A second example of the importance of giving opportunities to other people comes from the type of head who , in pursuing the argument that good management of a school should lead to good learning by the child , watches pupils for signs that they do in some way match hopes about independence of mind , wholeness and honesty .
4 If Gould was disgusted by the commercial exploits of his fellow white men , he was compensated by the reverence for birds that he discovered among the Aborigines .
5 A couple who run a private nursing home have been barred from the premises after allegations that they stole from residents .
6 Instead , our desires reflect the collection of values that we attach to our humanity .
7 Well this is part of a one million er £ er campaign to try and raise money for a lot of projects that we run in eight countries in southern Africa , from Angola to Mozambique , where our , the problems are absolutely horrendous er civil war in Mozambique for example , in Malawi , one in ten of the population are refugees , principally from Mozambiquan civil war , arriving at refugee camps in Bark and absolutely nothing er at all in terms of possessions .
8 While I would insist on the centrality of Noel Coward 's sexuality to the patterns of meanings that I see in Brief Encounter , I would not wish for one second to hold him up as any kind of gay martyr .
9 Let me read you two or three other verses from that same book of Hebrews that we read from a few moments ago .
10 Multicultural mathematics should start from the children in our classes and the rich variety of cultures that they bring to our school with them .
11 Again , yes , but not the sort of clubs that she had in mind .
12 explain that story at the end , was so fond of dragons that he adorned with drawings and carvings of them but when a real dragon heard of his infatuation
13 erm it 's it reminds me of the kind of embarrassments that we experience on a number of levels actually .
14 One may quibble with some of Jakobson 's distinctions and classifications , but it must be stressed that these are only a small selection of the multitude of relationships that he identifies in the space of this short poem .
15 There are hundreds and hundreds of words that we use in everyday language to describe them .
16 It is helpful for them to recognize that if they intend to carry through what they say , they may need to reduce the number of demands that they make on the child .
17 The Treasury had accepted the idea that international facilities are a cost-effective way to support large-scale research , but is has been reluctant to provide financial incentives to attract such facilities to Britain , following the example of France and Switzerland , because of doubts that they contribute to the country 's economic wealth .
18 THE STEP METHOD — Count the number of steps that you take in one minute at your normal walking speed .
19 Fleischmann and Pons worried that the numbers of neutrons that they appeared to be seeing were billions less than should have been the case if their heat data were correct and due to fusion .
20 Porter seems to agree with this view , but says that the extra value obtained from putting the results of the sorts of analyses that he recommends into the matrix form is marginal compared to the value derived from the underlying analysis itself .
21 I was offered a pair of shoes for about one third more than the market price , and I was so much in need of shoes that I fell into temptation .
22 I think both in the lay person , as you say , it will be more immediately obvious what a computer 's doing if you have a visual display , but even in the scientific approaches then I think the ability to present graphical information rapidly and change erm the function that you 're looking at is also very important and , for instance in the teaching that we do here , then one of the things that we 're very keen on is using computes to show graphically sort of functions that you meet in mathematics and physics .
23 There are a number of companies that we have across our erm all of our products which are what we call approved .
24 Yeah but the thing is , it 's something that we 've got to think for life really , or we 're just gon na be in the same situation in a couple of years that we wan na something a bit bigger .
25 It gives me the opportunity not only of placing on the official record the Committee 's thanks to its staff for their work , not only of drawing to the attention of the House what I think is the first debate on community care to be initiated in the Chamber which is not part of a debate on another measure , but also of drawing attention to the number of firsts that we score with this report and debate .
26 Erm , when the Bullitt family sought it to published it , it was published , but by that time , the kind of changes that I talked about at the beginning of my lectures , had already occurred in psychoanalysis .
27 4 Stieglitz immediately revealed that he comprehended the drawings in terms of qualities that he associated with a woman , but he also believed ( or came to believe ) that their imagery described a very specific dimension of O'Keeffe 's femaleness — her sexual nature .
28 And I think you 'll agree , it is a difficult I mean I always stress this point about attitude , that a lot of problems that we get in our advice centres have been made worse because the customer has caused er you know argument or a scene
29 I have of late had two letters from him , in which he has shown such an easy and familiar way of expressing his thoughts , such a delight for improvement and so much exactness and dilligence in the making of observations that I look upon him to go onward with a curiosity and genious superior to most of his occupation .
30 The kinds of difficulties that we encountered in Poulantzas ' work continually crop up , and the tacit use of counterfactuals which rely on individualist premises is a perennial stumbling block .
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