Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [vb mod] [verb] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 It is difficult now to imagine the splendour which the vast incrustation of ornaments must have presented to the eye by the time the church was complete .
2 However , only the most naive of inductivists would wish to adhere to that position .
3 If this principle applies to the 1984 Act then it would mean that the defence of volenti will vary according to the category of entry .
4 By April 1992 it is projected that the number of agencies will have risen to 70 and that around 50 per cent of the civil service will be organized on Next Steps principles .
5 If real wages had remained constant between 1955 and 1970 , with productivity growth unaffected , then the share of profits would have doubled to around one-half of the value of output .
6 At times the manager of nurses may have to object to the fact that the nursing consequences of such moves is unsupportable .
7 Mar Lodge has proved that even the most intransigent of ministers will begin to bend to public pressure .
8 Flies , we can well imagine , must have had a hey-day in such an environment , and those attracted by the flesh and the dung of horses would have had to be whisked off Charles 's meat — perhaps by boys with birch whisks specially employed for the purpose .
9 Competition between different groups of dolphins might have led to extinctions in some groups , but there is no direct evidence .
10 A purchaser of shares may need to resort to petitioning the court to buy out minority shareholders .
11 Any request for costs would have to go to my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer .
12 The kinds of conversations that can be held with colleagues may become restricted to those that are safely superficial and impersonal , and the developing staffroom ambience may bind such social conventions ever more tightly .
13 Observers were said to be surprised at the decision to hold elections during the Christmas holiday period , when most Kenyans with jobs in cities would have returned to their rural homes in areas where they had not necessarily registered to vote .
14 He had worked as a farmer and it was feared his long term exposure to pesticides may have led to his ill health .
15 Agreement on Germany and the provision of Marshall Aid without strings might have led to a different outcome .
16 Response time to problems will vary according to their effect on the service provided .
17 The type of care offered to children must vary according to their needs .
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