Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [subord] [pers pn] [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 The police had shot the man in the head after he had fired on Police a number of times as they chased him .
2 Despite her negligible experience of men before she met him , she was convinced that Ludovico was as near to perfection as any man could be .
3 ‘ Kristian is very good with fans when they see him the street and ask him for autographs .
4 Historically , this engaging adventurer carved out a career on the frontiers of Christendom and Islam without troubling himself much about religious differences : he was happy to ally himself with Muslims when it suited him .
5 This Simone has come directly from playing the Dame of pantomime and maintains that character from her very first entrance when she shakes a tablecloth out of the window and then furiously throws every vegetable in sight at Colas because she finds him waiting for Lise .
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