Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [prep] the second [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Big Six are in an unassailable position and no new firm formed through mergers in the second tier will ever be able to catch up with them , according to former Arthur Andersen senior partner Ian Hay Davison .
2 Both Major and Hurd were then immediately nominated as candidates for the second round , while Heseltine was also renominated .
3 The Bill also implements penalties introduced for offences under the Second Banking Coordination Directive and the Supervision of Credit Institutions Directive .
4 The aim of this research is to investigate the historical commitment of both managements and workers to this system despite a large number of attempts before the second world war to adopt alternative reward structures in industry .
5 With a more than halving of losses in the second quarter to $48.7m ( 1992 : $100.2m loss ) , the worldwide underwriting deficit at the mid year was down by $106.2m from $235.2m ( representing 12.3% of premiums ) to $129.0m ( 6.1% of premiums ) , a reduction due largely to a substantial improvement in the UK result .
6 In December 1989 the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) , following the visit of an IMF delegation , decided to delay disbursement of funds for the second phase of the structural adjustment programme agreed with Equatorial Guinea in December 1988 [ see p. 36923 ] .
7 When asked about the Holocaust , Le Pen , in common with other antisemitic ideologists of the extreme right , questioned whether the mass murder of Jews during the Second World War actually took place .
8 Resolved that this meeting concurs in Apinion [ sic ] with the said Committee — that it will be necessary to carry on the Business of this Institution as perfectly as possible , that there should be two Professors appointed & that as soon as the proposed plan for the College is executed , which , from the Encouragement already given , 't is hoped will be speedily accomplished — The members will avail themselves of the Offer made by the Committee and refer the Merits of Candidates for the second professorship to their investigation .
9 But Rovers are still well-placed for a drive towards honours in the second half of the season .
10 While the count of errors in the second game was even , Martin led by four in winners .
11 Fragments of papyri from the second millennium BC seem to be the first writings to deal exclusively with the subject matter of dreams , mainly concerning themselves with incest and bestiality with various animals .
12 It was also a day of surprises in the Second Division with the top two , Brechin and Clyde , being defeated , by Arbroath and Queen 's Park respectively .
13 The damages were awarded two years ago to Lord Aldington , who Count Tolstoy had alleged was indirectly involved in the death of thousands of Cossacks during the second world war .
14 The Russian historian from Southmoor in Oxfordshire had lost a libel action over allegations relating to Lord Aldington 's role in the forced repatriation of thousands of Cossacks after the Second World War .
15 On July 8 the Russian President Boris Yeltsin had announced at a press conference in Munich after talks with leaders of the Group of Seven ( G-7 ) industrialized countries [ see p. 38990 ] that Russia had made a political decision to withdraw an estimated 130,000 troops from the Baltic states , and that an agreement " on a schedule for the withdrawal of troops for the second half of this year and for 1993 " would be signed " soon " .
16 The intention to run the jack of hearts on the second round was well thought out as it would have allowed declarer to retain control of the trump suit , even if the second trump trick had been lost .
17 The Hawick mills were suffering so much from a lack of orders in the second half of 1991 that JR , a regional councillor for the town , lambasted his colleagues for not doing their bit by sporting the jumpers that have given the Borders a worldwide reputation .
18 We shall examine the arious metallic , ionic and covalent structures of solids in the second part of this chapter .
19 The higher APACHE II scores of patients in the second ICU indicate that the patients were more severely ill , as confirmed by the higher mortality rate .
20 Two examples of displays from the second study .
21 Accordingly , with the collector 's salary no longer burdened with a kind of pension to a colleague , Elphinstone of Quarrel was challenged by Buchanan of Aucheneen , apparently with the support of friends of the second Duke of Montrose .
22 You 'll need to buy £20 worth of materials for the second project .
23 Figures about child labour in coal mines in the nineteenth century , or about evacuation of children in the Second World War , do not begin to give any impression of what it was like to work in a coal mine or to be evacuated .
24 Nearly twice the size of Bromsgrove , Kidderminster returned a handful of men of the second rank and many poor as well ; the Forens , or out-parish , looks in part an artisan suburb .
25 Dr Jean Valnet ( one of the French pioneers of aromatherapy ) used essential oils to treat the horrific war wounds of soldiers during the Second World War .
26 Valnet used essential oils for the wounds and burns of soldiers during the Second World War .
27 They trailed by three goals to one , they 'd missed a number of chances in the second period , and after Steve Bull had put Wolves three nil up with a hat trick in the opening twenty four minutes .
28 Japanese Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu , EC Commission President Jacques Delors and Ruud Lubbers , the Netherlands Prime Minister who held the presidency of the EC Council of Ministers for the second half of 1991 , held their first formal EC-Japanese summit in The Hague on July 18 immediately after the London G-7 summit [ see pp. 38321-22 ] .
29 Late on Sept. 20 UK Prime Minister John Major ( whose country held the presidency of the EC Council of Ministers for the second half of 1992 ) announced that he would call an emergency summit to discuss ratification of the Treaty and to " deal with the particular problems in the foreign exchange markets in recent days , that have revealed shortcomings in the exchange rate mechanism system " .
30 John Major , Prime Minister of the United Kingdom , which held the presidency of the EC Council of Ministers for the second half of 1992 , declared that Edinburgh would " be remembered as the summit that put the Community back together " .
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