Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [adj] [prep] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Abbé Sieyès has whole nests of pigeon-holes full of constitutions ready made , ticketed , sorted , and numbered ; suited to every season and every fancy ; some with the top of the pattern at the bottom , and some with the bottom at the top ; some plain , some flowered , some distinguished for their simplicity , others for their complexity ; some with councils of elders , and councils of youngsters ; some without any council at all .
2 ( Note : The use of the term ‘ manual ’ here does not refer to the use of sign language and/or fingerspelling but to the learning of trades such as carpentry etc . )
3 There have been urgent calls for action to end all production of ozone-depleters such as CFCs well ahead of the 2000 deadline set by the Montreal Protocol [ see EDs passim ] .
4 The seismic activity gradually increased in intensity until on Sunday , 20 May 1883 , Krakatoa abruptly came to life , announcing its re-awakening with a series of explosions audible in towns over 150 kilometres away .
5 Would the idea of drugs useful against germs once again have faded into obscurity ?
6 The words of evangelicals such as Hannah More could have a greater resonance in the context of the French Revolution when all the proprieties seemed lost , and political fear too could feed Malthusian fears of the growth of the working class outstripping resources .
7 Unless there are an appreciable number of genuine deaths from asthma in people aged over 65 this supports my belief that the annual number of deaths due to asthma nationally is nearer 500 than 2000 ( even allowing for some genuine deaths from asthma not certified as such and given that some areas such as West Cumbria and perhaps Hertfordshire seem to have a lower mortality than Norwich ) .
8 Do not remove lower buds except for plants such as gooseberries normally grown on a ‘ leg ’ .
9 They asked the Parish Council , therefore , to approach Wyre Borough and ask for help with tasks such as mowing etc .
10 The waters on which we travel are released from the penstocks of Glen Canyon Dam , 105 miles upstream , according to the demand for hydroelectric power in cities hundreds of miles away .
11 You can see highlights of Oxford 's game in goals extra at teatime tomorrow .
12 At the same time it was doubtless the case that by-employments , which were probably the rule rather than the exception , were decisive in bringing the level of wealth in districts unfavourable to husbandry more or less into line with that of the more eligible farming regions .
13 It 's all too easy to think that whatever we do here in Britain ca n't possibly have any effect on people in countries thousands of miles away .
14 Scores of people died … towns in the immediate vicinity were evacuated … but thousands more , living in areas hundreds of miles away , were contaminated with radiation .
15 Lehr Brisbin , of the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory in South Carolina , believes that radiocaesium , which accumulates in those tissues eaten by humans , could be present in quantities hundreds of times higher than the average in the area .
16 On the contrary , it responded to opportunities both of export abroad and of an increasingly integrated internal market .
17 This is not to advocate that Nizan should be judged solely by criteria acceptable to Nizan individually or the communist party as a whole , but it is to put forward the idea that Nizan 's situation as a communist writer in interwar France needs to be given prominence in any assessment .
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