Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] and [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This proved too ambitious ; the Twenty-Second Session favoured separate texts for civil and for criminal matters , and a subsequent Expert Group , meeting in New Delhi in 1982 , decided that a model bilateral agreement in each of these areas was more appropriate than a draft convention .
2 Both within the political wing of Labour and in outside groups within the broader labour movement an identifiable " Left " began to emerge as a major influence .
3 I am attracted by Sher ‘ s classification in an article in Forum ( 5 ) of inherent and of circumstantial problems ; given the will both types can be eased .
4 But that means nothing to the army of unemployed and to threatened companies which would rather have any work than none , or to politicians caught up in righteous anger at ‘ unfair ’ competition .
5 Regional libraries also receive full specifications of British and in some cases foreign patents and will make copies of these available to enquirers .
6 To advise the Secretary of State on the practical considerations which should govern all assessment including testing of attainment at age ( approximately ) 7 , 11 , 14 and 16 within a national curriculum , including the marking scale or scales and kinds of assessment including testing to be used , the need to differentiate so that the assessment can promote learning across a range of abilities , the relative roles of informative and of diagnostic assessment , the uses to which the results of assessment should be put , the moderation requirements needed to secure credibility of assessments , and the publication and other services needed to support the system — with a view to securing assessment and testing arrangements which are simple to administer , understandable by all in and outside the education service , cost effective and supportive of learning in schools .
7 The needs of international and of domestic travellers dovetail at King 's Cross .
8 Its rationale shifted but its purpose in one respect at least remained , and orthodox women to this day follow through the ritual of purification at the mikva every month and abstain from physical contact with their husbands during their times of bleeding and for seven days thereafter ( = two weeks every month ) .
9 The third section of the chapter takes leave of Bourdieuan modernism to consider his accounts , explicit or implicit , of traditional and of postmodern society .
10 Stories of cosmic and of human creation , either separately or as unities , are numerous , and many have several points in common@ pre-existent deity ; creation by divine command ; man the ultimate creature ; man formed from the earth as a pot is made ; man in some way a reflection of deity .
11 He is the source both of good and of bad fortune , the ultimate centre of the dynamism of the cosmos in man 's experience of his physical and social world .
12 It 's of a bunch of undertalented and over paid money grabbers who are motivated more by agents than managers .
13 They set sail from the Guadalquivir River under the proud corporate title of the Armada de Molucca , amply armed but hopelessly provisioned , with crews composed of men of nine different nationalities and of innumerable and in many cases mutually antagonistic temperaments .
14 The numbers of missing and of discrepant entries were correlated ( r=0.42 , p<0.05 ) , and both of these were also correlated with variability in peak expiratory flow ; this variability also correlated with missing data .
15 The interior of the villa one can only lamely describe as southern art nouveau ; there is a great deal of panelling , made out of exotic and in some cases aromatic woods , a great deal of marble , of gilt , and of inlaid flooring .
16 The use of cases as precedents therefore involves an evaluation of the weight of propositions , both of binding and of persuasive authority , and of their application to the facts of the instant dispute .
17 To the considerations already adduced — modes of internal and of external relations — we can add a distinction , evident between the Pre-Raphaelites on the one hand and both the Godwinians and Bloomsbury on the other , between relatively simple and relatively complex formations , in terms of the area — the actual grouping of practices — which the formation represents .
18 They argued in favour of this possibility on the following grounds : ( 1 ) cuckoos ‘ regularly parasitized three other corvid species in the Guadix area , whereas the magpie was the only commonly parasitized species in nearby areas of ancient sympatry , although all corvid species bred in both areas of recent and of ancient sympatry ’ .
19 In their original formulation these two schools were both more concerned , if not exclusively so , with macro-economic and in some cases social historical development .
20 Cattle were emaciated , under nourished and in poor condition .
21 Using this technique these workers reported a right field advantage both with unilateral and with bilateral word presentation and attributed their results to " greater transmission fidelity and/or lesser transmission time of the shorter pathway to the left , verbal , hemisphere ( McKeever and Huling , 1971a ) .
22 Even before what appears to have been an acute phase of illness in 1756 , Smart showed many characteristic signs : impulsiveness , reckless spending , drunkenness and — leading eventually to his confinement — his disinhibited behaviour of praying in public and on inappropriate occasions whenever the spirit moved him .
23 So , submits Mr. Browne , inviting analogy first between discovery in civil and in criminal proceedings , and then between the implied undertaking on the one hand and public interest immunity on the other , this court should now conclude that the immunity too has lapsed : in other words that there no longer remains any public interest in withholding these documents from further dissemination .
24 The experiment is the classic research method of the natural scientist , and has produced many of its most valuable results , both in pure and in applied science .
25 For example , for many years we in ICI considered that we were too thinly spread and too diverse both in technological and in geographical terms .
26 He called for the inquiry to accept submissions from outside the service , for the final report to be published in full and for more resources to be provided if the report said they were needed .
27 Attached is a better academic list , which means that when Name starts my England and Wales list , the FE/university section may be done in full and with fuller names and designations , so there is , in this instance , real benefit from the delay !
28 The Commissioners awarded a further penalty of £1,080 , finding that the taxpayer was prevaricating and that as a professional man he had failed to give proper priority to disclosing building society information in full and in good time .
29 Levi was an author who , without detriment to the other people who figure in his books , wrote all the time about himself , both in autobiographical and in fictional form .
30 So the idea is you have some kind of token so that er , classic example in sort of junior schools , primary schools , that y'know if a child actually does what you want it to do , it gets a kind of star in a star chart and added up so many stars it gets some kind of present and basically the same kind of thing can be applied in clinical and in occupational settings as well .
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